Prologue | 1

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First chapter of the story, here we go :)


Meghan's P.O.V


"Greeeat, my first day at school.. Well this is gonna suck, but I have to get up. Otherwise my dad will go crazy."

I finally decide to get up and out of bed. I walk over to my closet while rubbing my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

I'm not fussed on how I look, it's my first day of school and I see no need to impress people.

I grab a white one-sleeve-off-the-shoulder top with a pair of jeans. It's pretty warm outside so I won't be needing a lot of layers.

With my clothes in hand, I walk over to the bathroom, bumping into my father on the way.

"Morning dad." I say in the most cheery way I could.

"Morning Meg, how are you feeling about your first day of school?" Dad replied as he greeted me with a hug.

"It's nothing I haven't done before. In saying that, I still don't want to go."

"Just think, after this year, you won't need to attend school at all. Unless you're thinking of going to university to study." Dad said, releasing me from the hug.

"I still have no idea what I want to do after school. I'm just going to take my time and go day by day." I say, shrugging.

"Well, at least you're not a drop out. I'm sure you'll come across something you want to do with your life by the time you graduate. Anyways, you best get in the shower, you don't want to be late!" Dad smiled and left, heading into the kitchen. I continue towards the bathroom and open the door.

Once finished in the bathroom, I head back to my room to get my backpack and proceed to the kitchen.

I look at the time on the kitchen clock and see that it is 8:20, school starts at 8:45, luckily I don't live that far from school, so I'll be able to get some time to explore the school. Maybe make a friend.

I grab some food to put into my lunch bag as well as some water. My father has already left for work. He works as a janitor at some factory.

Its not much but it pays him enough to feed us and keep the house. He tried to find a different job, but he had no luck.

I finish making my lunch and put my shoes on. I grab my bag, phone, wallet and leave, locking the door behind me.

It's actually happening.. I'm going to go back to school. I didn't think I'd have enough courage to return after mum died. I inhale the warm, fresh air and then exhale. I start making my way to school.

I observe the area around me and see couples giving each other pecks as they walk, groups of friends laughing and just joy all around.

I'm to busy taking in my surroundings, I accidentally walk into someone and fall to the ground.

"Oof! Sorry.. I wasn't watching where I was going. My bad." I say as I attempt to stand back up, looking up at who I walked into.

He had glamorous, styled brown hair, empowering brown eyes and a dashing smile.

'Not bad' I thought, smiling to myself.

"It's quite alright, here let me help you up. My name is Daniel." The man said as he offered his hand.

"Oh.. Uh... Thankyou.. I'm Meghan. Nice to meet you.. Sorry about walking into you." I say, laughing slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Meghan. I don't believe I've seen you around before, are you new?" Daniel said, helping me up.

"Yeah, I am new.. I just moved here" I replied with a slight smile.

"Thought so, where did you move here from?" Daniel tilts his head out of curiosity.

"San Francisco." I reply.

"Nice, I've always wanted to travel to California. I heard summer has amazing sunsets! Is it true?"

"Yeah, it is. It has the most beautiful views! I can show you a few photos on my phone later if you want?" I said with a smile.

"Sure, that would be great. Thanks!" He replied.

"Oh, I've gotta go. I have to do a few things before school starts, I'll see you around?" I say, looking at my watch and seeing the time is 8:30.

"Yeah that's fine, do you go to Surwind?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, I do." I reply.

"Can I walk you? I can show you around the school as well". He replied back, gesturing his hands towards the school.

"Ah, sure! I'd like that. Thanks!" I reply, and then we start walking off.

Just as we entered the gates, I felt as if someone's eyes were on me, watching me. I brush it off and enter the school.

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