Gossip Girls | 2

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Hey everyone! This is my second time trying to write this chapter. I saved it just as I finished it, I turned my phone off so I could do a few things. Turned it back on, got on to wattpad and it got rid of everything I had done today! So here's to a second attempt. Enjoy x

Meghan's P.O.V

"And that's the front desk, right around that corner is where we started at the entrance." Daniel says while looking at me, making sure I understand.

"Cool! I'll probably get continuously lost anyway until I get a hang of things around here.  Thanks for the tour!" I reply curtsying in a formal way before nodding and laughing.

Daniel just looks at me curiously as if he is asking me to explain further.

"If there is ever a time we are in the same class and I'm late.. don't expect to see me until lunch." I explain, smiling.

"I'm very clumsy and forgetful"

Daniel nods understandingly.
"I'm clumsy as well, don't worry. As for the whole 'getting lost forever' part, this school is easy to learn. Trust me."

"So, I have biology first block with--  Mr Dinbya. What do you have?" I say looking at my timetable, then looking up to Daniel.

(A/N, You can pronounce Dinbya like D-in-bye-ya)

"I actually have the same class. Funny that." Daniel says surprising me.

"Yeah, coincidence much? Hah, at least I will know someone in there. Its a start." I smile, something inside me says that we are going to be good friends.

"Indeed it is a start. I'm sure you'll find some other people who are compatible with you and who you will get along with easily." Daniel says as his gaze moves to behind me.

"Are you ok?" I turn around to come face to face with a group of girls.

'Now these girls look like the gossip girls of the school.' I think to myself.

"Danny-Poo! I missed you! Why weren't you answering my calls?" One of the girls said.

This girl was wearing 6 inch heels, a dress that falls just above her middle thigh. Someone wants attention.  And of course, as a signature thing all leaders of a popular girl group have, is a face completely caked with makeup.

"I was busy Alexis. Away on a family vacation. As for your nickname, It's just Daniel. No sickening 'Danny-Poo'." Daniel says with a face of disgust.

"You know you love it." Alexis says smirking but changes her expression when she turns to me.

"And just who is this ..... girl?" She snickers while scanning over me.

"She's a really good friend. Don't worry, she is nothing compared to you.." Daniel says. I feel hurt but I can't expect anything. I just met him.

"Of course she isn't. Run along hunny, you have no business here. Go on. Scoot." Alexis moves closer to Daniel and hugs his arm walking him away.

"You're right, I have no business with the fakest person here. Goodbye." I reply walking pushing right past them.
As I walk past Alexis, I feel her glare at the back of my head. Probably from my remark. I continue walking around, bumping into people on accident and probably getting lost multiple times.

I look down at my watch and turns out I still have 7 minutes until I need to get to my introduction class.

I walk around aimlessly until I finally find locker 472, which is mine. Turns out its in the east wing. I start putting in the numbers, 12-9-57 that were on my piece of paper.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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