Time Passes

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Sakura POV

A few weeks pasted since Mya's birthday and my birthday is coming soon, I'm so worried what if he just comes in one day and hurts me and Mya. I've been teaching Mya how you use swords and she is getting better slowly. On my birthday she's going to stay at Ino's just incase, Kakashi has been vistiting everyday and has been helping Mya as well. He's become pretty close to Mya and myself, I don't know but I feel like I like him more than a friend. He's like me and doesn't mind the fact that Mya calls me mum and stuff, he's strong and independent.


''oh yes sorry what did you say?'' I say apologising, I must of blacked out while she was talking to me.

''I got asked to go to the movies by a boy,'' Mya said blushing,

''what's his name?'' I ask nudging her,

''Daisuki, Daisuki Nara,''

''Shikmaru Nara's younger brother?''

''yeah he's a close friend of mine,''

''sure sure he is,'' I joked around.

''so when is the date?'' I added,

''its not a date,''

''fine what ever you call it when is it?''

''tomorrow night,''

''okay well you can go I'll just message Shika and get info,''

''okay thanks mum,'' she said before running to her room. I couldn't help but smile , my liitle girls growing up. I grabbed out my  phone and messaged Shika asking him about Daisuki and Mya's date,

''Saku are you home?'' I heard a man scream from the front of my house. I walked towards the door and opened it,

''oh hello Kakashi,''

''hi Saku can I come in?''

''oh right sorry,'' I apologised as he walked inside,

''sorry to barge in but I want to ask you something,'' he said nervously.

''yeah what do you want to ask me?''

''will umm you goonadatewithme?''

''what I didn't quite catch that,''

''will you go on a date with me?'' he asked me, I was shocked.

''so would you?''

''yes of course,'' I say with a smile, he let out a sigh an smiled as well.

''thank god,'' he joked,

''so when?'' I asked him.

''tomorrow night,'' he replied.

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