Chapter 26 | Moving Out

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[Reader's P.O.V]

Matt and I have been watching T.V. all day, trying to forget on what happened yesterday. Matt picked up the remote and changed it to the news. There, I saw the mad man who killed my mother, along with 1 guy who was blonde and 1 guy who has black hair. "So, Lutz Beilschmidt, you were the first one who saw this man, are we correct?" A news reporter asked the blonde man. He pretty much did not respond, along with the black haired guy.

"Kuro! We love you!" One of the girls shouted. The black haired man glared at them and just clicked his tongue, on which made the girls giggle. "Who knew, that guy I have never seen before, is popular." I heard a faint giggle from Matt. "He isn't. He was known just for his looks." I rolled my eyes. "Believe it or not, I know him, in person." I still didn't care.

He noticed this and sighed. "I was also the one who told them to check on your parents." Then I immediately shot a look of shock at him. "You did what?!" He rolled his eyes. "Matt! Come 'ere for a sec." Allen shouted from the kitchen. "Gah, fine. Be right back, sweetie." I cringed at the sudden nickname he gave me, and watched him walk towards Allen. How could he flirt at me. It did not fit him. Not at all.

But the question is still stuck in my mind. Why?

Just then, 'Kuro's phone began ringing. Kuro sighed and picked up. "Put it on speaker." One of the reporters said. Kuro rolled his eyes, but followed. Surprisingly, it was Matt.

Matt: Kuro!
Kuro: What?
Matt: I miss you my sexy boy!

I heard faint laughing of Allen and Oliver.

Matt: But, you're too Japanese for me though.
Kuro: Dude, f*ck you. Why you racist?
Matt: Now, I'll just eat pickled yams because YOLO!
Matt: Fine. Don't want me flirting with you?
Kuro: I'm sorry, just...sorry bae.

And they hung up.

[Matt's P.O.V]

As I hung up, Allen and Oliver burst out laughing. I just growled at them. "So, is this it? The oh so important news?" Then, they stopped laughing. "Fine, Time to get serious." Oliver smacked his freckled cheeks while Allen was still laughing.

Once they finally got over it, Oliver wanted to start it. "So, we are pretty much in big trouble." I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Oliver and Allen exchanged looks, then it was Allen's turn. "You see.... someone recognized us." I widen my eyes. "At anytime, the police might come in and invade this house." I rubbed my temples with my hand and sighed.

"I knew it... I just...gah!" I smacked the wall, which made my knuckles bleed. "I think we need to leave her." I mumbled.

Right on cue, police and officers came, banging on the door.

We need to let her come.

[Reader's P.O.V]

Just then, the news became live, and saw a quite familiar house. It was ours. It was being surrounded by police cars and helicopters. I stood up, still freaking out on what was happening.

'We found the house where Allen Jones, Oliver Kirkland, Matt Williams, and Francois Bonnefoy hides.'

I looked at the television, showing pictures of them. WHAT THE H*LL WAS HAPPENING?

Oliver, Matt and Allen came rushing to me. Before I could even speak, Matt picked me up, like a luggage. "No time to explain, let's go!" They decided to get out through the back door, but I thought it was too dangerous.

"There's a secret passageway! Follow me!" They nodded and followed me to my room. I quickly moved the bed, of course they also helped me. Once we got the bed moved, you'll think that nothing is there. I placed my hand on it, trying to feel where the door nob is. "Aha!" I finally got the door open and gestured for them to come. They nodded and went in. Of course, Matt was the last one. He said he would move the bed and close the door himself.

Of course, we succeeded. Where does this passageway lead?

To the train station.


Because reasons. Don't ask.


We finally got out of the passage way and ended up at the train station. "I have an idea. Why not go to my place? It's probably much safer." All of us agreed when Oliver offered. I still don't know why we were getting chased.

"Now, tell me. What happened back there?" They exchanged looks and sighed. "You remember when I said that we were 'killers' right? Well, someone recognized us and called the police." Matt explained. "By why me too?" Allen stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder. "Because, they will question you since you were with us. They'll probably torture you to talk." I shivered at the thought of that happening.

"You have a point." Then all of us went silent.

"Let's just...go. Yeah?" We finally started making our way to Oliver's place. I do hope it's big.


My jaws dropped when we arrived. His. House. Was. HUGE. I mean, VERY HUGE. It's a freaking mansion for Author's sake!  "You have this f*cking huge mansion, and you decided to live at my place?! I mean, WHY?!" I asked them, which made them shrug. "I don't understand you guys." I groaned and went inside.

The inside was much more bigger than the outside. I swear. "Poppet, let me lead you to your room." He offered. I smiled and took the offer. "Okie! Lead the way!!"

We have been walking in about 20 minutes because this mansion is ridiculously so big. I didn't notice Oliver stopped so I kind of ran into him. "Ollie, I'm sorry!" He just smiled at me and opened the door.

It was huge! Like the size of my own house! Well, not really. But it was still huge. "There we go. Tomorrow, we will bring some clothes for you. Just have a nice sleep, okay?" I nodded and shut the door. I took a quick look around the room. It also has a huge flat screen television. It's awesome.

I plopped myself on the soft bed and smiled. "I could get used to this."

Then I fell into a deep sleep.



Kuro and Lutz: *caught the bad guy and are on TV*

Reader: The Kuro guy has fangirls. Who is he?

Matt: *flirts with reader*

Allen: Yo Matt come 'ere

Matt: *prank calls kuro* BAEEE

Kuro: Dafuq? *hangs up*

Ollie: People told police where we are

Reader: *reveals super secret passage outside*

All: *run away*

Reader: Nice house Ollie

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