chapter 1

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Hey my name is Carter Madison and this is my story....

The day began normally...

I pick up and threw the fuckin alarm clock.

My mom screeches from down stairs "CARTER GET YOU LAZY BUTT UP AND OUT OF BED!"
I groan sarcastically. "Could this day get any better"

(A/N: Carter Madison. Age 16 highly athletic..A plus student and likes candy and beanies along with a jog here and there :P)

I get up and get dressed grabbing my duffle and messenger bag. I practically trip fall down the stairs. 'So tired...'
"Morning mother..." I give her a tired smile. 'Since dads never home..I have to be strong..'

Mother smiles looking peppy "good morning my beautiful son!"
I give her a odd look. "What has you in such a good mood today?"

Mother looks at me excitedly "your father is coming home today!!" Then without letting me say anything she pushes me out the door " you'll be late for the bus.."
I let myself process this while I get on the bus.

________________at school______________________

I get off the bus.
I sigh and think to myself 'I'm so glad to be off that death trap..also i I wonder what that new kid will be like'
My group of friends (I don't know if they are real friends or not. It just comes with the popularity I guess) walks up to me chattering and laughing.

I make it to lunch. I notice something different in the air.
I scoff to myself 'I think I'm going nuts.'
My friends look at me funny. Then a pretty girl walks past.

'Tall and thin....' then I realise that she's the new person...'I thought we were getting a new guy student..' I shrug and go on with my life. Sorta..I can't get my head around that pretty face.

__________last hour / eight period__________

You know that awkward feeling you get in life all the time but it goes away for a bit so you think you don't feel awkward most of the time?? Well...I'm getting it now.

I tap the new girls shoulder. "Hey.." I awkwardly say (but keep the awkwardness inside.) "I'm Carter Madison.." as she turns around I see her deep purple eyes (A/N: believe it or not these exist...Google it) her soft blonde long hair moved nicely almost like a models then she smiles and says "hi Carter I'm Branden... " in a not really low voice but not girly sounded.
She waves.
I clear my throat and ask a little to quickly " so i was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place and I could show you around the city...if you want."
Her eyes brighten "yea long as I can bring like younger brother along" she takes her phone out. "I'll also need to tell my guardians"

I nod my head and give her information, I wonder what her brother will be like.

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