Bosnia-Dedicated to Dzejla

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Behold an ancient land, ruled by great empires but conquered by beauty, say grand ol land, what is your name?

Proclaim loud and clear that Bosnia-Herzegovina shall rule our hearts forevermore! That an entity such as thee could contain such wondrous peaks or amazing persons is truly a gift from God on high

O brave new world, that has such people in it! And who more so than our angelic Dzejla, my Cleopatra from the start

Through blood and fire this beloved land was ravaged but fought on. Sadly the Nazi was not to be your sole nemesis. How can we ever forget those terrible atrocities by the Serb?

We await the day when fascist walls meet their demise and fall into the spring of the Bosnian rebirth! We raise our flags in memory of those who died and in praise of our great ancestors and the heroes of tomorrow!  

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