The Start Of The Omega Session

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The Hemospectrum for these chosen 12 alternians? We also have to inform you there is  a rather.... Unique thirteenth player, we shall also list his blood colour...well Blood Colours.

Mutant Red- Anabithia Vantas

Dark red- Charlsifer Megido

Rust orange- Rosabeth Nitram 

Mustard yellow- Sollexa Captor

Lime green- Kida Leijon

Jade green- Lucifer Marym 

Teal blue- Charlie Pyrope

Spider blue- Lyra-Jane Serket

Dark Blue: Harriet Zahhak

Highblood Purple- Lilyn Makara 

Violet purple- Lila Ampora 

Condess pink- Exodus Peixes

Mutant red & Condess Pink- Experiment k-590: Odysseus 

Have fun seeing these players compete in a game and life on Alternia.

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