The Burning Bars

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When she woke up, she was in a different room. The walls, ceiling and floor were black, and she was in chains. 'I wonder where I am... Am I in prison?' she wondered. Then, Zalia heard a knock on the door, remembering what happened last time, so she curled up in a ball and cried. But, she soon heard a familiar voice, "Hey, is that you, Zally?" It was her father! She jumped up and tried to reach her dad. "It's no use", he said, "I tried for hours to get free, but it didn't work, so save your strength." Suddenly, something clicked in her mind. "Dad, do you know where they put my bag?" Zalia said with ernest. "Um, well... uh... " "DAD!" "They took it with them to search it, I'm sorry if there was anything important in it." He apologized. "Only our way out," Zalia explained about the box and what her mother said about it, her father listened with interest.

All of a sudden, the door was swung open! A tall man with a thin beard walked in and said something in german. She swiftly walked over to them. "Hello, sorry for the discomfort." He said with no emotion. "I would like to borrow the girl if you're done with her." "Never! You can't take her I'd rather die!" The father yelled and tried to hit him, but the chains stopped him. "Ok, if you want me to... " He started but was cut off by Zalia. "Stop! I'll go father, I thought I lost you once I don't want to lose you again." She reasoned. "See, there's a girl you should admire, maybe she will teach you a lesson. Come with me." The guard unhooked her chains and led her out the door, then slammed it.

He asked "My name is Catrick, and your name is?" "Zalia, why do you want to know?" She questioned. "Well... we have your mother, I think and we need to make sure it is her." "It might all be revealed in time." Suddenly a symbol of a barn owl glowed golden brown on her father's cage ,and the bars on it melted like ice on a sunny day back with her whole family in Greece. Her dad's chains disappeared, and he ran out excitedly and ran toward his daughter. The prison guard ran out of the room to get reinforcements. Zalia, then, turned and said with a grin, "And... " "Um... , Come with me." He said quickly and started to walk off fast.

Zalia and her dad started after him and soon caught up. They quickly were in a gray room and to their surprise there was her mom! Zalia ran over to her and hugged her, her father followed but was stopped by a guard. A cage suddenly flew up from the ground and captured Zalia and her mom. Before Zalia could say anything her mom gave her her bag! Zalia quickly went through it and found her box, it was still glowing. When she opened it she found a silver glowing stick, a map, ink, and 15 bottles of multicolored liquids. Her mom told her to pick up the stick and wish for them to be in Rome.

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