New theory about Black holes

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"New theory suggests Black holes are Holograms -Projections two-dimensional surfaces"
According to a new study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Black holes could be Holograms -Projections from flat, two-dimensional surfaces.
What if Black Holes are just HOLOGRAMS? Is it possible that these 'dark' objects are just projections of flat, two-dimensional surfaces?

Black holes are definitely among the most mysterious objects ever discovered in the universe; their irresistible pull is an eternal prison that does not even allow light to escape from their grasp.

However, new research proposes a completely new theory suggesting that Black Holes are HOLOGRAMS. The controversial theory was proposed by theoretical physicists who developed a new way of estimating the chaotic states present beyond the event horizons of black holes.

According to calculations, even though these enigmatic celestial bodies were believed to be three-dimensional in nature, it may turn out that they are in fact two-dimensional projections. The results of the study are consistent with the holography hypothesis, a theory that suggests the universe is a TWO-DIMENSIONAL surface which we cannot observe directly.

The new researcher was published in the journal Physical Review Letters, and could allow scientists to obtain new information about the gravitational waves that are believed to exist inside of Black Holes.
"We were therefore able to use a more complete and richer model compared with those done in the past in LQG, and obtain a far more realistic and robust result," says Pranzetti. "This allowed us to resolve several ambiguities afflicting previous calculations due to the comparison of these simplified LQG models with the results of semiclassical analysis as carried out by Hawking and Bekenstein," said Dr. Daniele Pranzetti, a physicist at the Max Planck Institute for Theoretical Physics in Munich, Germany.

To obtain their calculations, researchers used a phenomenon referred to as quantum gravity which allowed them to research the entropy, or disorder, said to exist within Black Holes. According to the theory of quantum gravity, the fabric of space-time is composed of 'grains' that researchers call 'quanta', it explores the effects of gravity at extremely small scales.

In the past, researchers like Professor Stephen Hawking proposed that the entropy of Black Holes is proportional to the area but not its total volume.

Calculations looked at the gravitational impacts that collections of quanta -referred to as condensates- have.

"The idea at the basis of our study is that homogenous classical geometries emerge from a condensate of quanta of space introduced in LQG in order to describe quantum geometries," explains Pranzetti. "Thus, we obtained a description of black hole quantum states, suitable also to describe 'continuum' physics-that is, the physics of space-time as we know it," said Dr Pranzetti.

All of this means that everything needed to understand the composition of Black Holes is found within a two-dimensional surface. The only thing scientists need to do now is understand how to translate it.

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