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Ceci POV
*3 weeks later*
The days have gotten longer and me and Chris talk but also don't. I still feel like there's a hole in my heart and no one can fix in but him. Cheer has been great we've learned everything that's part of our cheography and we've been hitting everything in the gym. Our first local is this Saturday and we are all anxious to go out and hit. I woke up and decided to go on a walk. I got up and got ready.

I put a light sweater on, but i didn't zip it up

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I put a light sweater on, but i didn't zip it up. I put Sammy's leash on and we went downstairs. "C'mon Sammy lets go outside" i said and then out of no where Chris comes out of no where he looked me uo and then down "Hey can i go with you, to wherever your going" he said "Um sure" i said with an ugh face "so where exactly are we going" he said "on a walk" i said opening the door "okay vamos yo llevo a Sammy" he said and he got the leash from my hand and we walked out. We walked to where we could and then we jogged back. We walked into the house. "So ya'll back together again" Jaz said "No we just went out for a walk and that's it" i took Sammy's leash off "Sammy c'mon" i said and we ran up the stairs the last thing i heard from Jaz was "so Chris you still working on it" it left me on sooo many thoughts like what's he working on? Will it hurt me more than i am already? I don't know? Should i worry about it? Nahhhh. I walked into my room, and me and Sammy played a little on the floor. I got a text so i checked my phone.
Hey 😇
What you doing
Wanna come with me to eat breakfast
No Thank you i'm fine, made myself some pancakes
Your loss
Not really
Okay well i'll let you go eat your pancakes
I stood up and went downstairs. I made myself a bagel with cream cheese bcuz ain't nobody got time to make pancakes. I finished my bagel and went upstairs. I sat on my bed and just thought about stuff. Like literally what i've done all these weeks. Ugh school's next month GREAT. Senior prom is this year. I'm not going HA! Then Chris popped into my head. Why now? Ugh stupid brain! Why did i get so attached now it's hurting me? Damn i'm hurting but i was the one who broke up with him. Is he hurting as much as i am. I kept these thoughts in my head and stood up. I went over to the last door on the hall and stood infront of it. I knocked and then twisted the knob. I saw him sitting on his bed scrolling threw his phone. His face expression sad. I walked over to him and he looked up "hi, um what you doing in here" he said putting his phone under the covers. I lifted the covers and saw his phone screen. Pictures of me and him popped up. "Nothing" i said and walked out. Maybe he is hurting as much as i am? My thoughts kept going around in my head. I walked into my room and jumped on my bed. "CECI" i heard Zabdi scream. I just sat down i rolled my eyes and walked over to his room. "Yes" i said walking in "no nada ya lo resolvi" he said ugh "okay" i said and i went to my room. I jumped on my bed again and just layed there. Once again i got a text
What you doing
Nothing how about you
Well um Pamela and I are going to the mall again just to walk around and talk want to come?
No thanks i'm staying home all day
Ah okay, and we saw you jogging around with Chris are you two back together again?
No he wante to join me so i let him
Oh okay um we're leaving bye
I jumped off of my bed and decided that if i wasn't going to do anything at home then maybe i should go somewhere. I got up changed into some black jeans, maroon shirt with white stripes and my maroon vans along with my glasses. I walked out of my room and went to Zabdi's room. "You guys going anywhere" i said "yea actually we're going to the mall" Zabdi said "Can i come" i said "we kinda invited Chris" Jaz said typing something on her phone "Okay guys are we goi-" i heard That familiar voice say "Ceci your coming" he said as he stopped in the doorway "I guess i am" i said "okay then, lets go" zabdi said and we all walked downstairs,got in the car and left. We got to the mall and i took my own route. I remembered when Chris would walk with me and stay with me even if he really wanted to buy something. He would sit with me and snuggle me to his side with his arm. Oh those days. I walked around. I got to the fro yo place and i walked in. I got some fro-yo and then i excited. I walked around some more, not finding any stores that interest me. I kept walking around untill i got a call
Hey, ready
Ya where you guys at
Infront of Macys
He hung up and i went to Macys. On the way i bumped into some people. "Hey i thought you weren't going to come" Pamela said "Um no i came with my brother and his girlfriend" i paused "And they brought along Chris" i added "Oh okay see you later" i said "bye" i kept walking and reached Macys. Not knowing what i was doing i ran up to Zabdi and jumped on his back. He catched me. He chuckled "Vamonos" he said and he carried me on his back to the car. He put me down when we got to the car. I climbed in and sat all the way in the back. Chris sat in the middle seat and Jaz and zabdi in the front. We passed to eat. Everyone hurried to a seat but Jaz and i walked since she can't basically run for precautions. We got to the seats and saw that Zabdi and Chris were sitting across from each other. Jaz immediately sat next to Zabdi and i glared at her. I walked over to the seat next to Chris like a little child at lunch not wanting to sit next to the gross girl. I reached the chair and sat down. The waiter came and we ordered our food. I got a salad with water, and i don't know wat everyone else got. We got our food abd started eating. Chris dropped his elbow onto my thigh and his hand dropped onto my knee. A shiver went down my body and then It took me a minute to realize that had happened since i was used to it. I looked at his hand then he realized and he took it off immediately "sorry" he whispered. I nodded lightly and gave him a weak smile. We finished eating and headed home. I looked at the time and it was 4:59 time to get ready woohoo. I put on the usual and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited. The clock finally struck 5:20 so i headed out. I walked to the gym and went in. I walked towards Justin and the other people. "CECI, hi, so we need to practice our stunt bcuz the coach said if a stunt falls we all have to go and run one more mile outside" Justin said "um okay ig but i haven't stretched so" i said "No problem lets go i'll stretch you" he said grabbing my hand "No hold on i'll be right back" i said "okay but hurry" he said i ran over to where Chris was standing oh god i'm really about to ask him "hey, um," i said really awkward "Yea i'll stretch you" he said throwing his water bottle on the matt "how'd you kmow o was gonna ask" i said as we walked up to a wall "Bcuz i just thought i haven't stretched you since, well, we broke up" he said as i got against the wall. I put my head down slightly and said "yea, i know" he brought my head up with his hand "Lets stretch you now, don't think about what happened three weeks ago, bcz now we're friends and if god wants us to be more than friends than maybe that will happen, but for now" he said and he held up his pinkie "friends" he said "friends" i said connecting my pinkie with his. I gave him a smile. Suddenly i heard alot of "ooh's" and "awwwww's" i rolled my eyes and Chris just smiled "que tontos" he said "aha" i said. Chris stretched me and then i went over to Justin. "Kay lets go" i said "okay but you and your prince charming" he said wigling his eyebrows "shut up we're just friends" i said "okay" he said. We worked on our stunt and then i went over to Chris. "Chris can we work on our coed" i said "yea okay sure" he said so we work on our coed. It fell two times but the last time it worked out. We started stretching and then went into our mile run. We came in and drank some water. We started conditioning. The coach worked the shit out of us. We lines up against the wall and started working on our tumbling. We got into stunts and all the flyers went up. The coach told us that for every stunt that goes down theres going to be an extra mile we have to run at the end but if no one comes down then we won't have to. The flyers went up and we all did what we had to do. Great i thought when i saw Dany, a new girl, fall from the corner of my eye. They brought it back up in no time and they kept it going. At the end of class the teacher gave a wicked grin so we knew what time it was. "Okay so four trips to the bridge and back are a mile so, your running to the bridge coming back in here and doing ten herpees. Do that everytime you come in then get water and forget about today" he said once we were outside "okay go" he said and we all took off. I wasn't fast at running but i was in the middle. We all finised and we all saud bye. Chris and i walked hoem together again. We got home and went our seperate ways. I went to my room, i jumped on my bed like usuall and just layed there thinking about what Chris did at the gym. I loved it when he did that. Shivers ran down my body so fast. He's just ugh so hot and so cute and ugh he's perfect i jept thinking i didn't realize i had a huge smile on my face. I also didn't realize Jaz had walke in. "So why that big smile, huh" she said walking towards me sitting on the bed "can i not smile" i said "no it's just bcuz you haven't smiled like that since well,-" she said then i cut her off "since me and Chris broke up, yea i know" i said "so what happened" she said "Nothing" i said "mhm" she said "Really, now, why are you here" i said "Rude!" She said "sorry" i said "well i'm here bcuz i want to be here" she said "ah okay well then You stay here while i go take a shower" i grabbed my towel and went to take a shower. I came out and she was still there. "Jaz" i said "yes" she said "will you go out please, i need to change" i said then i heard my phone ding "um okay" she said and she walked out very fast. Chris❤ flashed on the sreen. I opened the msg.
I still love you Chris❤
Wtf i never sent that. Jazmin ughh
I still love you too❤
I felt so bad for him, but trust me i'm hurt too.
Sorry Jazmin had my phone
Oh! Its okay but i wasn't lying and i'm guessing she wasn't lying about your feeling either but Goodnight😇 Love ya❤
He read it but didn't respond. I changed into my pj shorts and a oversized shirt. I unwrapped the towel that was in my hair, and layed down. I felt my eyes get heavy and i fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed❤ okay so i know i'm late but THE QUISIERA VIDEO!!!!!!! It's great.....but you know the models aren't so great but YAH! Patato was the only one who stayed away so ❤.

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