harry needs kinkshaming

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Saturday managed to take an eternity to come and pop out of nowhere at the same time. Harry felt far from ready as he threw every single piece of clothing he owned on his bed in search for the perfect outfit. Ginny, who was sitting backwards on his computer chair, looked on with badly hidden amusement.

"I think it's a bit late for you to impress him, Har." she laughed as Harry once again disregarded a shirt he had been considering. He stopped what he was doing to glance at her.

"Why?" he asked, honestly curious. He had been texting back and forth with Tom since they met, but he still felt the need to dress up for their first date. Custody meeting. Whatever. He did miss Tom-bear. Tom had teased him with pictures during the last few days, and while Harry would be hard pressed to ever admit it out loud, he had saved every single one in a new folder. Most of the pictures did feature both Toms, and they were a guaranteed source of warm, happy feelings for him. He only felt a bit ridiculous for thinking of them as a family.

"'Cause your first text to him was about how he didn't let you say goodbye to your child. I still can't believe that he rolled with it, to be honest. You're not even going on a date, you're discussing custody of a stuffed bear." Ginny answered. She had got up from the chair while she talked and was now looking through Harry's clothes. "You should wear that cute dress that you bought last year. Or the skirt I gave you for your birthday, with the heels that your mum got you for Christmas."

"I can't believe it either. And he sent me pictures." Harry sighed dreamily before he snapped to attention. "Firstly, I'll have you know that I bought lots of cute dresses last year, secondly, I'm not sure the first date is the right time to let him know that I don't give a fuck about clothes being gender-restricted."

"He did? Why haven't you shown me?" Ginny exclaimed, dramatically slapping a hand over her heart because of the shocking betrayal. "Also, I meant the green one with black lace. It looks so good on you, I'm jealous. And the first date is the perfect time for that. When else? When he sees a skirt on your floor and think that you're cheating on him?"

"Because of that." Harry answered and closed the door to his wardrobe. It was practically empty anyway, with the exception of a hawaiian shirt that his godfather had given him. "And you should be. I still don't know if the first date is the time for a dress, but you have a point."

"Skinny jeans and a crop top. And heels, because dude. You're like, shorter than me." Ginny decided, and started looking through his clothes again. It didn't take long before she had found a pair of low cut black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a red crop top with black lace. "Why do you have so much lace anyway? You're more feminine than most of my friends. Like, I think you're on Pansy's level."

"You're just tall." Harry whined. "And lace rocks. I know it, you know it. And we both know that that is not true - you have tons of feminine friends. I mean, you're dating Pansy. I'm taking that as a compliment by the way."

"I'm not that tall, like, you've seen my brothers." Ginny protested and pushed the chosen clothes at him. "And fuck yeah I'm dating Pansy. And Luna, but no one can get on Luna's fashion level."

"Gin, you're like. The same height as Ron." Harry pointed out as he accepted the clothes. "And stop bragging. Next thing I know, you're gonna give me details of your sex life again."

"Whatever. Just wear the goddamn heels." she answered and flopped down on his bed."I hope you get laid."

"Same, girl, same."


The First Date

The clock was 12:30 pm on the dot when Harry showed up outside of the Indian YMCA. Tom was already waiting, and it was with a soft smile on his glossed lips that Harry noticed Tom-bear in Tom's arms. He really hoped that Tom wouldn't comment negatively on his outfit; in addition to the clothes Ginny had picked for him, Harry was wearing red lip gloss and winged eyeliner, lenses instead of glasses, and his hair was fluffier than usual. At least he didn't feel overdressed next to Tom who was wearing a black dress shirt with the arms rolled up and a pair of capri jeans.

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