An Interesting Day

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Here's another chapter for you all! Thanks for everyone's comments!

In the morning, Featherfall went out in search of herbs. In fact, all of the cats except the kits went out. Fallenbird was in charge, and everyone was told not to leave the top section of the barn. Violetheart went with Mistvalley, Nightblaze went with Cloudbreeze, and Stormcatcher went with Featherfall. Nightblaze wanted to go with his mate, but none of the barn cats knew what the herbs looked like, so he went with Cloudbreeze.

    Everyone was given an herb to find. Violetheart and Mistvalley were sent to find goldenrod. Nightblaze and Cloudbreeze were sent to find dock leaves and or comfrey. Featherfall and Stormcatcher were looking for stinging nettle and poppy seeds. And Featherfall had told everyone to bring back plenty of cobwebs if they found any.

    "So, what does goldenrod look like?" Mistvalley asked Violetheart as they wandered around.

    "It's a tall plant with bright yellow flowers." Violetheart meowed as they searched. When Violetheart saw a tall plant with bright yellow flowers, she meowed, "Look, over there! Goldenrod, tons of it!"

    "Great!" Mistvalley meowed, racing over to the precious herb. "How do we gather it?"

    "Featherfall told me we have to bite the stalks, without dripping the juice everywhere, and bring the stalks back along with the leaves." Violetheart meowed, biting through a stalk. Then, with a mouthful of plants, she meowed, “Like this!"

    Mistvalley and Violetheart gathered as much as they could, then started heading back towards the barn. On their way, they snagged cobwebs on their pelts, paws, and tails. Suddenly, Mistvalley froze.

    "Fox!" She hissed through a mouthful of goldenrod. "Run!"

     Nightblaze and Cloudbreeze were walking around in silence. Nightblaze decided to break the silence.

    "Well," He meowed. "Dock leaves and comfrey! Do you know what they look like?"

    "No. What do they look like?" Cloudbreeze meowed, knowing that he didn't want to walk in silence and that he was trying to make a conversation.

    "Comfrey has very large leaves, and it has small, bell shaped flowers that can be pink, white or purple. It had large, fat roots; we need to carefully gather them." Nightblaze meowed. "Do you know what sorrel looks like?"

    "Yes." Cloudbreeze meowed.

    "Dock looks a lot like sorrel." Nightblaze meowed. Then, spotting a plant, he meowed, "Look, there's some dock right there!"

    As he raced over to gather some, Cloudbreeze meowed, "Is that comfrey?"

    Nightblaze turned and looked. "Yep. Let's gather some dock first, since it's easier to gather. Then we'll gather some comfrey."

    So Nightblaze and Cloudbreeze gathered some dock leaves, and then dug up some comfrey. They headed back, mouths full, after gathering some cobwebs in case no one else could find them.

    Once they got back, they found that they were the first ones back. They told the kits to guard the herbs, and not to eat them. Cloudbreeze looked over at Nightblaze.

    "I smell fox." She meowed. Cloudbreeze had an extraordinary sense of smell ever since she was a kit. I got her in big trouble sometimes.

    "Let's go make sure everyone is okay." Nightblaze meowed. "I'll go find Violetheart and Mistvalley. You go find Stormcatcher and Featherfall."

    Nightblaze watched the small gray tabby race away, and then he headed out in search of his mate and new friend.

    Featherfall and Stormcatcher had been walking around for awhile, and they had already collected some stinging nettle. They had also found Juniper berries and some lavender. Both were good herbs to have. Once the two cats found some poppy seeds, they collected them and headed back towards the barn. On the way back, they ran into Cloudbreeze.

    "Are you guys okay?" Cloudbreeze meowed. "I smelled fox."

    "We're fine." Featherfall meowed, putting her herbs on the ground. "What about everyone else?"

    "I-I don't know." Cloudbreeze meowed. "Nightblaze went to go check on them. They're probably fine."

    "I hope so." Featherfall meowed, looking up at the darkening sky.

    "Fox! Run!" Those were the last things Violetheart heard Mistvalley meow before they started racing away. She hoped that the black and silver tabby was still near her, but it had started raining and Violetheart couldn't see very well.

    If I keep running like this, I'll end up in the river again!

    Violetheart turned and ran in the direction that she thought the barn was in. She noticed a cat running towards her. Mistvalley? No . . . that's Nightblaze! Violetheart raced over towards her mate.

    "Violetheart!" Nightblaze yowled.

    No! Run, there's a fox after me! Violetheart wanted to tell him, but her mouth was still full of herbs. Violetheart watched as Nightblaze turned around and raced at her side.

    "Violetheart, follow me!" Nightblaze meowed, racing towards the barn.

    Violetheart quickly followed, wanting to get away from the fox and out of the rain. They entered the barn and raced up the ladder. Featherfall, Cloudbreeze, Stormcatcher, and Mistvalley were already up there.

    "Oh, thank goodness, you're okay!" Mistvalley meowed. "I was worried when you weren't at my side anymore!"

    Violetheart dropped her bundle of herbs on the pile. "Well, that was an interesting day!"

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