The Final Battle

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Have a little more, because of my lack of updates. Warriors (c) Erin Hunter.

All of the cats of EarthClan, for the next two days, practiced their fighting skills and while they were doing that, Flashstar, Pinestorm, Nightblaze, Violetheart and Lilysong all hunted with a few other warriors, before they traded places so every cat could get some sort of training during the two days that they had. During those days, Featherfall and Silverpoppy collected as many herbs as they could, and occasionally, they got some help from Lilysong and Finchflower during some spare time. Every cat was prepared by the end of the second night. The next night was the night of the gathering, the third night.

"Cats of EarthClan," Flashstar called, gathering all of the cats together. "I have a few things to say. First, we have prepared well for this battle that is coming, the greatest, deadliest battle that we may ever face. All of the warriors appear ready, and all of the apprentices seem to know what they need to know. Remember, help your clan mates. Second, I have to say, a leader could never have such a great clan, and I am proud that you have let me lead you this long. You are amazing, and I will pray to StarClan that you shall be safe. Every cat in the clan is ready to give up their life for the safety of the clan, and I am no different. And whatever happens, win or lose, know that I am proud of every one of you, and I would fight with every one of my remaining lives to protect you. That is all, so let us eat well and get some good sleep. Tomorrow decides our fate, and the fate of the forest!"

"Flashstar! EarthClan! Flashstar! EarthClan!" The clan called heartily.

"Flashstar," Featherfall meowed to her leader as he padded towards his den. "You said, 'I will fight with every one of my remaining lives to protect you'. Isn't that a lie? You- you don't have lives to protect this clan. You only have your one life. Please, Flashstar, don't take any dangerous risks."

"I won't," Flashstar purred. "But if I need to give my life to protect my clan, I will do so. That's what I promised when I was named Flashfoot, and again when I was named Flashstar. Pinestorm . . . he will make a good leader one day, possibly one day soon."

"You really won't listen to reason, will you?" Featherfall purred, flicking Flashstar's ear with her tail tip.

"Is the medicine ready?" Flashstar asked.

"Yes, it is all prepared," Featherfall replied.

"What about you, and Silverpoppy?" Flashstar asked.

"We're prepared to save any cat that we can," Silverpoppy meowed as she padded over to join her mentor and leader.

"Good," Flashstar meowed, padding into his den with a thrush.

Featherfall and Silverpoppy headed over to their den, after grabbing some mice from the fresh kill pile.

Lilysong watched her clan mates’ fall asleep. How many of these cats won't be coming back, after this battle? W-what will happen to Violetheart, and to Nightblaze? And what about . . . Shadestorm? Lilysong knew that the tomcat had feelings for her, and she had the same feelings for him. What if I never see him again? It would be just like . . . Twigtail and Sandspirit. I don't think that I could stand losing him too!

The next morning, all of the cats of EarthClan were preparing for the battle that would decide their futures. Every cat was nervous, but no one wanted to show it. Every cat went hunting that day, and everyone was fed before the battle. That night, Flashstar gathered every cat that was going, leaving behind the queens, kits, and the elders. They were instructed that if any cats came that weren't from EarthClan, that they should leave as fast as they could, and they should go downstream. All of the rest of the cats followed Flashstar along the path lit by the last light of the day, as the twilight sky glittered above them, splashed with stars.

"Get ready, my cats," Flashstar whispered to the cats as they came to the gathering place.

Flashstar led everyone down to the gathering area. StreamClan was already there, and they were frightened by how many cats EarthClan had brought.

"Why do you have so many cats, Flashstar?" Fishstar called to the EarthClan leader.

"You did not hear about the battle?" Flashstar asked. When Fishstar shook his head, Flashstar meowed, "FlameClan has been taken over by a rogue named Smoke. Smoke has killed one of our cats, you all remember Sandpaw." Everyone of the EarthClan and some of the StreamClan cats bowed their heads at the name of the lost apprentice. "Smoke has declared that there shall be a battle, tonight, and he thinks that he can take our forest. I'd advise to send your elders and queens back to camp, and bring warriors and apprentices back here. This battle will decide our fate, and if there will be a tomorrow."

"You heard Flashstar!" Fishstar called. "All elders and queens, head back to camp and send the warriors and apprentices over here. Hurry!"

As soon as the cats left, more cats poured into the clearing. They were led by a smoky black tomcat.

"It is time!" Smoke called. "For the final battle! Now, here, you shall all die!"

Just, like, 2 more chapters. Thanks for sticking with me through this story, and my other story, too. :)

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