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Does your mom or dad make you mad sometimes? I know mine do... frequently.

  I love my parents, don't get me wrong, but sometimes they just don't understand. Now we all have our own problems with our parents. My problems are usually kept inside me, though. I am too scared to admit them to my parents. I am just so scared that they'll get mad at me for feeling that way. 

It's not a good way to live, I know.

  Then there is the fact that you think completely different from them. Well... that's not exactly true. I think a lot like my dad and mom at different times. But of course there are things that we will never agree on.

  We have gotten into small arguements about my Bible Study. I am very protective of my bible study because it is filled with people I love. It was started by an amazing mom for teenage girls. It's an incredibly small group, only consisting of five people (well actually, it has evolved to including teenage girls AND boys so really it's more like ten or eleven people).

  My mother and father do not exactly approve of this bible study because the mom who started it left our church and joined another. They don't like the idea of me going to the bible study of someone who doesn't belong to our church. My best friend's parents feel the same way.

  Now I don't understand this AT ALLLLLLLL!!!!! I think that it shouldn't matter whether someone is in the church or not. It SHOULD matter whether the person's heart is in the right place. And let me tell you, this person's heart is DEFINITELY in the right place. 

  I can talk to this lady about ANYTHING practically. Some things I can't even talk to my own mother about, becasue I fear she won't understand. 

I'm kinda getting off topic. The main point of this situation is:

I think my parents rely and trust the church too much.

  Now don't misunderstand me. Yes, we must be faithful to our church... up to a certain limit. But sometimes you can take it WAAAAY to far. Now if you don't agree with me, that's perfectly all right. We can still love each other anyway :)


Okay, that got a bit off topic. To sum it up:

Parents can be annoying.

You may have other problems unlike mine with your parents, but in the end... it's all the same thing. The Bible says to show honor to your mother and father. Right now in life... showing honor to my parents is one of the HARDEST things to do. I just need to trust God and try try try to forgive them. 

I leave you with that today: Just Try. 

And I will too.

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