~Chapter 3~

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Two hours later, after I'm all cried out, I decide it is best to leave my tear stained bed and head to the kitchen. My mom is working a double shift at the hospital so she shouldn't be home for another hour. It gets lonely being in our big house; my only comfort is Wilson our cat. He doesn't like me much but any companionship is better than none.

Lately I've been afraid to stay home alone; I just get the feeling that someone is watching me. Although aside from my elderly neighbors house and Sadie's house there aren't any other houses, just trees and grass. I know better than to waste time worrying but I've just been on edge lately.

I jump nearly three feet in the air as my phone goes off. 7:30. Avery has called me every night at 7:30 since we learned how to work phones. I'm not really sure how the tradition started, Avery knew I was home alone a lot so he liked to call and make sure I was okay.

"Al's pizza delivery, how may I help you?" I answer the phone like this every time. It's my signature line.

"I would like an extra large pizza with a side of Lenny." Gosh Avery is such a dork. It's moments like these that make bus rides from hell seem insignificant.

He could practically hear my smile deflate through the phone once he tells me he can't stay on the phone long. "I have to watch the little ones Len, but I wanted to still call you and say hello."

Avery has a huge family. Him, three sets of twins, and a set of triplets. Triplets! I mean seriously, what were his parents thinking? Him being the oldest meant often times he was left home to babysit. It's difficult enough to babysit one kid let alone 9 kids so he never stays on the phone very long. I'm not sure why but hearing that he had to babysit just made me really sad on the inside. I kind of feel let down but I shouldn't it's not like he's required to call me. Ugh I don't know what's wrong with me lately, maybe it's my hormones.

"Okay, have fun with your devil spawns," we both laugh "I'll be here watching Netflix if you need me." Netflix and food was like my normal routine.

"Always watching Netflix," he chuckles, "be careful, make sure the door is locked, and don't open it for strangers." he says as seriously as he possibly can. Sometimes he reminded me of an old man.

"Aye aye captain!" I mock solute. "See you tomorrow at school." I hang up; I was never fond of good byes. They seemed too final. We generally hung up after telling each other when we would meet next. So it was never a good bye, just an 'I'll see you later.'

The sound of gravel crunching clothes my attention as my mom pulls in the driveway. She's early tonight, hopefully with some dinner because I really don't feel like cooking. Cooking takes too much time, time that I could be spending reading or watching TV.

"Hey Sweetie!" my mom yells as she walks through our front door.

"In the kitchen mom" I mumble through a moth full of cookie dough.

For all the people that say it is unhealthy to eat cookie, I surely beg to differ. I've been eating raw cooking dough since I could walk. I haven't died yet and I don't think I will, from cookie dough anyway.

The smell of fried chicken hit my nose and I could practically taste it in my mouth. All I ate for lunch today was a bag of chips and some French fries from Avery's lunch. Suffice to say, I could probably eat a horse.

I jumped off my seat t the counter, tackled my mom to the ground, kissed her on the cheek and stole the bag of chicken from her hand. I started to shove my face with the chicken while my mom stood there and watched me like a crazy person.

"Glad to know I'm raising a cave girl." My mom mumbles to herself.

"Sorry mom," I say as I slide off the counter and walk to the kitchen table, "Why are you home so early, anyway?"

I knew by the look on her face it was something bad, "I have some bad news about this weekend Lennox ..."

I could feel my blood run cold. I had been waiting for this day for months. 136 whole days. Tomorrow is supposed to be the day that I, and Avery, met my favorite scientist in the entire universe. I mean, Dr. Swanson is my hero! Then the tears start to form.

No I will not cry in front of my mother.

God what is wrong with me today.

I look at my mother as she says "We have a patient coming in for a surgery tomorrow that I have to be in on. So I won't be able to go with you tomorrow. But you and Avery can still go." And like that the tears are gone.

"Really!? We can still go?" I jump up and hug her, "Mom you're the best!" I yell as I'm jumping up and down with her in my arms.

The chicken long forgotten, I run upstairs to call Avery. The convention that Dr. Swanson will be speaking at is two days long so Avery and I will be spending the night in a hotel together. I finally find my phone and call but it goes straight to voicemail. I tell him we are still on for tomorrow's trip ad that I will be at his house at one.

I've never been so excited for something in my life. I hear my mom walk into her room, probably passing out on her bed. She's been working overtime at the hospital lately. One of her nurses is pregnant and my mom is filling in for her.

I lay in my bed praying for sleep to come. It's only 9 o'clock but I'm too excited for tomorrow. I just want to sleep until it's time for me to leave. I get the creepy feeling that someone is watching me again but I ignore it. Nothing is going to ruin my good mood.

I feel myself dozing off, my phone clenched tight in my hand. Yeah, tomorrow is going to be amazing.


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