~Chapter 4~

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It's incredible, the things we dream.

Avery and I are walking through a forest. We are holding hands, the mischievous smile on his face tells me he's up to something but I'm too happy to care. The broken sunshine through the trees makes his dusty black hair shine, and his beautiful blue eyes sparkle. I have no idea why we are in the forest. I don't even have shoes on which is odd because I wear shoes everywhere, even in the house. But in this instance I couldn't even care, I was so happy. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and everything seems perfect.

The more I observe the less this forest seems recognizable. The trees are so thick and the grass is up to my knees. I can here water pounding into the stream but I cannot tell from where. Where are we? The forest behind my house does not look like this. Avery must notice my discomfort as he squeezes my hand and smiles at me. His smile is so breathtaking; I never want this moment to end.

The peacefulness is broken with an absurd sound. I don't know if I'm imagining things as I look around, is that a door bell? Avery is still smiling and walking so I ignore it until I hear it again, louder this time. What the heck? We're in a forest and there's a door bell.

The door bell goes off again before I open my eyes and realize it was just a blissful dream, yet someone really was at the door. I search for my phone in my tangled bed sheets. I yawn as I finally find it. 8:00?! My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I wonder who the heck would be here this early. For the tenth time the door bell goes off and I finally jump out of bed in my pink pajamas and walk to the door. I wonder where my mom is.

After stumbling down the stairs I make it to door just in time for another ding dong. Jeez, don't these people have any manners? I grab the baseball bat we keep by the door and hide it behind my back just in case the person on the other side of the door is some sort of maniac.

I open the door then scream, quickly slamming the door closed again.

Good job Lennox that was incredibly rude of you.

I slowly open the door again to find two very large men, probably 6'5, with bald, tattooed heads staring back at me. I should have kept the door closed but before I can slam it again the bald man on the right, I shall name him Thor, shoves his foot in the door. Jokes on him, I'll still slam it.

Before I can do anything else, bald man on the left, I shall name him Thrasher, decides now is the best time to explain himself. Smart move, Thrasher.

"Hello, Lennox." How the heck does he know my name? "My name is Ezra and this," he points to Thor, "is Edir."

I preferred the names Thrasher and Thor but hey, whatever floats their boats. They had the oddest accents; I have no idea where they could be from. My first instinct is to run but for some reason I can't. They have this aura of power surrounding them, giving me the impression they are of high importance. Their eyes don't look human; both are bright purple, the kind of purple that could suck you into another world. They stare back at me intently waiting for me to speak but I am awe struck.

"Hello," I mumble, although it came out more as a question, "How do you know my name?" I look from one to the other as they debate their answer.

The feeling that I am being watched comes back to me, yet I don't feel unsafe. Maybe I really am going crazy. The tattoos on their bodies match causing me to wonder why they have the same ones. The only difference is the dragons on their right arms. One has a purple dragon with huge wings and a spiky tale while the other is a black dragon with spikes down his body. His mouth opened with fire coming. Both tattoos are breathtaking and extremely life-like.

"We know everything about you, my dear." Edir says in his deep accent.

This is getting weird. I debate whether to make my exit as Ezra takes a step closer. Personal space buddy. I'm stuck, unsure of what to do. I don't understand why I can't ask them to leave. It's like my body is telling me to give them a chance while my brain is screaming for me to run as fast as I can.

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