Chapter 3- Adventure Time

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It had been a few weeks since Derek made his 'move'. My mother and I had finished moving in. The house was large and had a charming look to it.

I sat on the bench in the backyard, waiting for mother to come home from her shift. I kept catching myself mid thought about Derek. I was really beginning to annoy myself.

I hate him. He is a stuck up jerk who thinks he can get everything he wants. I thought angrily.

I looked into the woods, it was beautiful. The leaves were turning orange from the transition of summer to fall. The urge to explore tugged at me. I stood up, but it was like an instinct. I didn't tell myself to stand up, I just did.

Without my consent, my legs took large strides toward the darkening woods. Yet I didn't fight it. My curiosity helped me keep walking.

You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

The image of the wolf-dog thing popped into my head, making my legs jerk to a halt.

"There are no wolves here. That was only a stray dog or something." I chanted to myself. But just to be safe, I picked up a large stick from beside me.

I started walking again. The deeper into the woods I went, the more beautiful it became. I watched a bright red cardinal chirp then open its wings and take off. The squirrels ran to trees, chattering angrily as I passed. I even saw a deer.

The mother and her young fawn walked peacefully. The mother's head shot up in my direction, her white tail shot up and she bounded gracefully away. Her fawn following behind but was a bit clumsier.

Orange and red leaves fell to the forest floor, the wind whispering soft encouragements for me to keep walking.

I heard a shuffling behind me and whirled around. A bush rustled more. I took a few tentative steps back. Then watched as a skunk waddled out of the bush. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Then gasped.

I was completely turned around. The large, Victorian house was out of sight.

Which way now, smart one? I retorted to myself. My heart started to beat faster with panic.

"I'm going to get lost in the woods and die. This is it, I'm. Going. To. Die. I'm so young. There's things I wanted to do with my life!" I muttered to myself. The blood roared in my ears. I ran my hand through my hair, my breathing picking up.

I heard something snap behind me, I tightened my hands around the stick and turned around. The hairs on the back of my neck raised with alarm.

It was definitely a wolf.

It stood a few feet away. Although I could tell it was a different wolf from the first one I saw, this time I felt somewhat safe. My instinct still screamed warnings at me.

It was a dark brown, his head cocked to the side. Watching me with curiosity. His dark brown eyes looked strangely familiar and so... human.

He took a few more steps forward, I raised the stick higher. "Don't come closer." I warned aloud. My voice low with fear.

The wolf twisted its head to the side even more at the sound of my voice. I noticed his tail wag just a bit. Like a dog.

Ignoring my warning, he walked until he was only a few inches away from me.

He is huge... I thought slowly. Easily able to kill me... wait, shut up Amy!

His fur looked so soft, I wanted to reach out and feel it. His ears swiveled back and forth, as if listening to music that was invisible to me.

I released the stick, holding it in just my left hand now. My right leaned toward his head. He seemed nervous too but he stood stock still. My fingertips grazed his fur lightly.

Now seeming impatient, the wolf leaned his head into my hand. A small smile plastered onto my face. His fur was rougher than I thought but whenever my fingers go deeper, I can feel the soft undercoat.

We sat like that for who knows how long. 20 minutes? An hour? Until he tensed under my palm. I tensed also.

He took a few steps away from me and turned his back on me. I was confused for a second before I saw another wolf step into the clearing.

It was the wolf I saw the first day.

His coat seemed darker in the setting sun. His black eyes went from the first wolf who I called, 'Buddy' and then to me. His lips lifted to reveal large, white canines. Fear rolled in my stomach, from the darkening sky and the wolf in front of me.

A growl came from the black wolf, but Buddy growled too, seeming to protect me.

But the black wolf seemed bigger than Buddy by an inch or two, there was no way that he would be able to fight him off. Even if he was able to, I would still be lost.

How do I get myself into these messes?!


*Author's Note* Okay, I was satisfied with this chapter. A little cliff hanger. So, people, who do you think 'Buddy' is? And who is the black wolf? Hmmm...

Fact About Me- I am always hyper and happy go lucky. I mean, I haven't always been this way. A year or two ago, I had BAD depression and had to take medicine to make me feel better. It got bad to the point of me thinking of suicide and the medicine never seemed to work. The worst part was I had no idea why I was depressed. But I pulled myself out of it and I'm no longer on the medicine! Depression is a very serious thing and is never to be taken lightly. Talk to someone about it. Now, I'm all better! Yay!!! Haha.

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