Stay away from me.

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Of course my parents were surprised to see Cameron but not upset, partly because I lied and said Alex was studying for finals.

The night was a success in my parents book but it mine it was a tragedy. I had forgotten how amazing Cam was which made the night so amazingly awful. I loved every second of it the only problem was that was that it was the first time I started to lose sight of what I thought was best for me. For one whole night Alex nor my future crossed my mind once. I was living in the moment for the first time in forever, and it felt pretty damn good.

It wasn't until the night had come to an end that my head wasn't somewhere in the clouds. Me and Cameron arrived at my house before my parents because they stayed for "extra dessert" which was also a signal they wanted us to leave so they could have some alone time.

He was a perfect gentleman, he opened my door and walked me to my porch.

"Even though you say this wasn't a date I had a good time."

I smiled back at him "I had a good time too. But I hope you're not planning to kiss me right now."

His laugh set the butterflies in my stomach free "No. I know you have a boyfriend." He stepped closer to where our noses almost touched "But that doesn't mean you don't want me."

I do. More than anything.

"And what makes you say that?" I tried to keep my cool but inside I was a mess.

"Well don't you?" His words were almost a whisper.

"Yes." The word came out on accident. I wasn't thinking but the damage was done. His lips inched closer to mine and the anticipation almost killed me.

Right before our lips touched he stopped "Good." Without another word he walked down the porch steps and to his car. Right before getting in he sent one last wink my way and that was it. I was left standing in an emotional mess of my feelings as I watched him drive away.

The lump in my throat was hard to swallow as I turned and unlocked the door. When I flipped on the light I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Alex sitting, legs crossed, on my couch.

"My god Alex you scared the shit out of me."

He shifted his eyes to mine and stared coldly at me but didn't say a word.

"Are you high?" But again he didn't answer.

"Fine if you're going to be creepy get out." I turned the handle and opened the door motioning outside.

"That's what you want isn't it?" He finally spoke up "you want me to leave so you can invite that lowlife over here?"

His jaw was clenched along with his fist at his side as he stood up. "You took him to dinner with your parents because you wanted to, not because you didn't want to be alone because we both know you don't mind being alone. You keep to yourself Jordan and you know it." He took small steps towards me while the anger bubbled inside him. "You're a whore Jordan." The words stabbed through my heart and as he said then his hand grasped my face. "You're a no good worthless whore." Being this close I could practically taste the alcohol dripping off of his breath.

I pushed his hand away from reach of me. "You're always a dick when you're drinking. Go home Alex."

"I swear to god if I ever catch you with him again I'll kill you Jordan." And he meant every word of it.

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