"I think my heart just pooped"

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~chapter 1

                Skylar’s p.o.v

“I’m not going in there,” I gave a deadpanned look to my best friend Elena.

“ Yes, you are, you look hot and your wearing your get lucky panties, we are going in this club and you are going to shake your ass like a polariod picture damnit!” She gave me her do –what-i-say-or-I’ll-strangle-you-look, which was super scary and made me want to cry.

                The club we were waiting in line at was called Scandal, and it was very popular. I had on a red strapless dress that came to about mid-thigh, while Elena was sporting a pink dress with a black bow just under her boobs. Needless to say we looked bangin’ (do people still say bangin?). We had just moved to England to go to oxford college, were Elena was studying journalism, and I was studying to be a nurse.

“Fine,” I agreed “but we need to pull a lunch line, because these heels are killing me and I need alcohol.”

“That’s the spirit!” she cheered with a grin, in case you don’t know what a lunch line is, it’s where you just find a group of people ahead of you and act like you belong, then skip them and move on to the next group.

We made our way through the line, and I’m glad we looked good because the only people that looked at us were guys and they didn’t say anything. There was a group of guys right in front of us that were being let in. I grabbed Elena’s hand and the blonde guy’s right in front of me and we made our way into the door. Needless to say I could see why its popularity was through the roof, there was attractive people on the dance floor, at the bar, tending the bar, and watching the door. There was a strobe light over the dance floor, and Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke was being  played. I let of the blonde guys hand so I could head to the bar, but just as I let go he grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him.

“ Who are you?” He asked.

“Who are you?” I retorted.

“I asked you first,”

“I asked you second.”


I couldn’t really see his face because of the colorful blinking lights, but he had an irish accent that sounded painfully familiar, I just couldn’t place it.

“So, who are you, really?” He inquired.

“I’m Skylar, but my friends call me doodles, I’ll answer to either one.” I answered.

“I’m Niall,” he stated. I knew he sounded familiar, I’m like in love with one direction. Once he said his name I could faintly see the features of his face. The crystal blue eyes, and his pink lips.

“Do you want a drink?” Niall wondered.

“Yeah, I was heading to the bar anyways with Elena, that’s the blonde I came here with.” He smiled and I swear my heart pooped.

“ Doodles, oh my god I lost you! But now you’re here and, I ordered you a shot. It’s vodka.” She grinned and downed her shot, just before I downed mine. Niall and I shared a cheeky grin.

“I think tonight’s gonna be a good night!” He yelled over the music as he ordered five more shots of grey goose


A/N sorry it's short Microsoft word said it was like 2 -2 1/2 pages. Also, this is my first fan fiction so if you could vote and comment that would be super cool!

- saige

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