11:11 #34

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ryro: hey bren?

beebo: yes ry?

ryro: you're happy, right?

ryro: i mean, we live together, that's nice. you always make me your amazing pancakes. we watch friends and all that together. we literally text each other every night at 11:11 even though we're a room away from each other and we don't do wishes that much anymore. we love each other too, there's that.

beebo: george ryan ross, you have made me the happiest person alive, that's why i do all those things for you, from pancakes from making you suffer with me while watching grey's anatomy. so if you're wondering if i'm happy, the answer is yes, and it's because i love you.

ryro: frig i'm crying a lot right now i love you too

beebo: now go to sleep we still have school in the morning

ryro: tomorrow's saturday??

beebo: right i knew that

beebo: whatever goodnight babe

ryro: goodnight

11:11 (Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now