katelyn long

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"Hi!! My name is Katelyn long...as you can tell from up above! Anyways, I have shoulder length dirty blonde hair, and that does not mean my hair is dirty-it's just the name of the color, and when the sun shines on it, it looks golden. Ok, I have soft blue eyes and a few faint freckles on my nose. I'm pretty tall, and this is weird, but I'm strong but have barely any muscles. I know what you're thinking. I don't get it. Well me either. I'm average hight, and I'm 17 years old. The same age as my best friend Percy. Plus! I am a demigod! My mom is Demeter, even though I have no planting skills, and hate cereal.

I'm so happy that Percy and Annabeth are together. I'm not real into ship names so-bare with me here. 

I decided to go jump in the lake to cool off from trying to plant in the blazing heat. Let me just say, it was an ultimate fail.
"Hey Katelyn!" Percy called to me from the beach.
" I was wondering if I could practice this song in front of you. It's for Annabeth, and I really don't want to make a fool out of myself, because I forget what I'm doing."
"Sure! Shoot!" Percy began to sing. I think he wrote the song himself because I've never heard it before. It was great though! I had no idea he could sing! Maybe he is secretly Apollo's half sun (he he get it?) or something, or he got it from his mom's aside of the family. I honestly don't know. He finished his song.
"That was great Percy!" I told him, "I bet Anna-"
"Percy! I can't believe you cheat on me like that! Especially with her!" Annabeth yelled when he saw me and Percy on the beach together. She then ran off into the woods off to who know's where. Well actually I do. Since I'm also pretty good friends with Annabeth -or was at the moment- I know where she goes when she gets the blues.
I gave Percy a look telling him not to follow and that I would straiten this out on my own. I began running into the woods.
"Annabeth!" I cried when I saw her. She was sobbing into her shirt. I felt so bad. No one ever sees a child of Athena cry.
"Get away! I don't want to see you anymore! Just leave!"
"No! You have to listen! Percy wasn't cheating on you!"
"Well than explain the love song he wrote you!"
"Annabeth, that song was for you. He was singing it in front of me so he didn't make a fool of himself when he sang it to you."
"I'm sorry." I said miserably.
"For what?" Annabeth asked, "you did nothing wrong."
"I know," I said," it just felt like the right thing to say." Annabeth giggled.
"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating on Percy." She said drying away tears. " I shouldn't have just jumped to conclusions like that."
"I forgive you. Now go off to see your man!"
"Ok! See ya later!" She yelled as she ran towards that beach.
I quietly tiptoed to where the couple was standing.
There Annabeth was talking to Percy. Then she kissed him. It was a sight. I the left towards my cabin. Maybe one day I'll have someone like Percy. Just maybe.
As I walked past the arena, Rodger Clint came up to me.
"Hey! Katelyn! He stopped me. Do you maybe want to get some coffee sometime?"

Exactly 600 words! Whoop! This is my first kind of these stories so if you would help me and fill out the stuff in the first part and help me create a story that would fantastic! Also check out some of my other stories!

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