Chapter 2. INFINITY

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*New Roommate*

Hey everyone! Thanks for being so patient. I think I've got the storyline all sorted out now. This is basically the same as the old chapter but with a few tweaks at the end. Enjoy.

Chapter 2. INFINITY

I woke up to the sound of my name being called. "Waverley. Waaaaaaverleey." It was Becks. I groaned and rolled over. She opened the curtains and sun light steamed onto my face. I groaned louder as I tried to roll over again, I fell off of the bed. I had a blistering headache. A pulsing pain running through my brain. "God girl, what happened to you?" She laughed helping me up off of the floor.

As I stood up, I felt my stomach churn, I covered my mouth and ran to the toilet, where my body rejected all its contents, through my mouth.
"You sure did drink a lot last night, didn't you?" She asked.
I straightened up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Umhm" was all I said, walking to the sink and washing my mouth out.
She laughed. "You were hilarious though. You and Flynn seemed to be getting along quite well" something about her voice made me turn around and look at her.
"What do you mean?"
"I knew you wouldn't remember." She laughed.
Worry coiled in my stomach "Becks?" I asked.
She just took out her phone and turned a video towards me. It was at the party.
"Who are you again?" - me
"I'm the president of the united end states of America! "-Flynn
"No you're not"
"I could be I'm super smart"
"I'm smarter"
"no I'm smarter."
"Nooooooooo. That so unfair, you can't be super hot and super smart you have to pick one."
"Your super hot and super smart, you pick one."
"You think I'm hot?"
"Obviously, I have eyes"
"The president of the United States thinks I hot!" I shouted from a chair.
Everyone cheered
"Super hot!" Flynn shouted joining me on the chair. Everyone cheered louder. The video cut off with Becks and Jaces booming laughter as me and Flynn wobbled on the stool.
I stared at the phone as if I had just told me I punched a nun in the face yesterday. No I in fact had done something much, much worse. The memories of last night came rushing back to me.
The game.
The kissing.
The penis-licking.
The condom- we didn't have sex did we?
I braced my hands on the sink.
the detailed memories of last night were rushing back to me.
"Oh fuck" I said. Slapping a hand to my head.
Her smile dropped and she looked worried "what?" She asked again.
"No, no, no, no, no, no" I trailed off. "Oh shit-idy, crap-idy fuck!" I exclaimed. Last night we had kissed and I had licked his penis?! That can't be right, it had to be a dream. Then I remembered, flynn had sucked on my neck. I flew around and looked into the mirror above the sink. Moving my hair out the way. There it was a big-ass hickey on the side of my neck. My jaw dropped and Becka came up behind me.
"What the hell is that?" She asked quietly. I ran my hands through my hair and turned around, leaning back on the sink. Her mouth was open in disbelief and she looked intrigued. She looked me in the eyes.
"Did you two...?" She trailed off suggestively.
"No, no we didn't, of course not. We were just drunk." My head throbbed with pain again. We didn't, I had past out. But we nearly had.
Her facial expression settled slightly. She didn't look completely satisfied with my answer but didn't push me for details, just yet. " Come with me." She said, taking my wrist and towing me back to my room. She sat me on the bed and went into my closet, bringing back: underwear, a pair of jeans, a vest, a thin, baggy jumper and a pair of heeled ankle boots. She handed them to me and I put them on. She handed me a hair brush when I was done and I dragged it through my tangled hair. After I had freshened up in to bathroom and brushed my teeth. She took my hand and pulled me down the corridor with her to her and Jace's room. She dug through her draw and pulled out a packet of pills, she gave some two and I swallowed them.
We went into the kitchen that was shared by everyone, to find a smiling Jace and a hungover, Flynn.
"He-hay! Here she comes" Jace sang, a broad smile on his face. Two other girls walked into the kitchen behind us. "D' you have any idea what happened last night? This one" he punched flynn in the arm "has no idea. Sounded like you had fun though." Flynn looked up at me. Thank god, I thought.
"Not a clue." I lied.
I looked at Becka "excuse us" I pulled her quickly out of the room. "You can't say anything, okay?" I whispered hurriedly.
"Why not?" She asked "it's not like you did anything, he just kissed your neck." She said. Then realisation hit her as she saw my facial expression. I looked down. She gasped " You did do something!" She accused loudly.
"Shhh" I said "no we didn't" she gave me a disbelieving look. I glanced through the doorway. Jace was smiling at flynn as he said something to him.
"Not the thing your thinking of."
"You didn't have sex?"
"Then what's the problem" I knew she wasn't going to give in.
"We did something... And it would be awkward if he knew it happened."
"What 'something'?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes. If I'm gonna keep my mouth closed, I want to actually know what I'm not telling him." I looked away. "Waaaaaaverleey. Tell me."
" I-I"
"You what?"
"I licked his penis." I deadpanned, looking her in the eye.
Her mouth dropped. She composed her expression. "You what?!"
"It was a game. We were drunk. It seemed like an okay idea at the time"
"But you didn't have sex?" She whispered frantically.
"'Well'? What do you mean 'well'? You said you didn't!"
"We didn't." I said quickly "But we were going to" her jaw dropped open. "But we didn't have a condom" I ran a hand through my hair, diverting my eyes "and then he was going to get one off of Jace" her jaw dropped lower " but then I fell and past out. Then, you woke me up"
"I can't believe-" she seemed to be shocked into a daze.
"We were drunk. Don't tell Jace."
"I won't. Don't worry, your secrets safe with me."
"Thank you" I said.
We walked back into the kitchen and they both looked up. Jace smiled again and flynn kicked him under the table.
He looked at him briefly before turning back to us. Becks went to sit next to him.
"So. What do you want for breakfast, everyone? I think there popsicles in the freezer." Jace said.
"Why would we want popsicles for breakfast?" Becks asked.
"I dunno, someone might want to lick one." He looked at me and Flynn stomped hard on his foot. Oh god. He did remember. I ignored him and went to make coffee, diverting my eyes from Flynn's, acting like nothing had happened.
The morning past quietly with Jace making continuous suggestive comments like, "what's your favourite, number? I quite like 6." Or "Waverley is your neck okay? It looks a bit bruised." Always followed by flynn hitting him. I pretended to have no idea what he meant, but I was internally screaming with embarrassment.
Later on that night is when it happened. We were in Becka and Jace's room. The fire alarm went off and we were all evacuated.
It turned out that because, Jace and Becka wanted to be roommates, flynn had taken Becks original Roomate, Catlin. So they had swapped. Catlin had obviously agreed because she got to share with Flynn.
Catlin had put her hair straighteners on her bed and left. That's how the fire was started. It hadn't completely ruined all of Flynn's stuff, but all of Catlin side of the room was destroyed. The room was black and burnt.
Catlin went home. Not before crying into flynn chest and hugging him a lot. He patted her back awkwardly. She said that she didn't want to stay. All of her things were ruined.
We went through Flynn's things most of it was okay but there was a little fire damage.
"Where are you gonna go?" Jace asked.
"I dunno" he replied.
"Well, hey, Waverley doesn't have a roommate." Becks said brightly.
I had barely spoken to him all day.
"No i don't. You can come if you want." I said shyly.
"Yeah, he's gonna come alright." Jace muttered, suggestively playing with his words. Flynn gave him a look and I again ignored him.
"Thanks. That would be great." he said.
We managed to move his stuff up the hall to my dorm and put it all away quite quickly. Once we were done Becks gave me a look, which I didn't fully understand before she took Jace's hand.
"We'll leave you two alone" she said, backing out of the room. Jace just smiled and winked at me. As soon as the door was closed I turned and looked at. Flynn. He looked back at me.
"You told Jace?" I said. He looked startled.
"Wait, you know what happened?" He said looking confused.
"Of course I do" I flopped forward onto my bed, face down " Uhhhhhhhhhh" I stayed there "I. Can't. Believe. We. Did. That." I pronounced each word individually, my voice was muffled against the covers. " I'm sorry." I said tilting my head up to look at him. He just laughed.
"For what? I hardly minded. I was a little frustrated with you when you managed to knock yourself out- worst timing ever by the way" He cut me off before I could answer.
I smiled "i did kill the mood a bit- passing out may not have been the smoothest move ever" he laughed.
"Agreed- trying to put a shirt back on the girl you were about to sleep with while their passed out and you're super drunk is not on my list of turn ons, just for the record." I smiled, cringing at the idea- he had seen me basically half naked. "Anyway, I'm the one who suggested that fucking game. And I took you to the bed in your room. And I told Jace, which is even worse. I'm sorry about his behaviour. I tried to stop him, but my brother is never gonna grow up."
"No. I'm the one who kissed you in the corridor. And took your shirt off. And I told you not even to use a condom! I'm glad you didn't listen to me about that by the way." He smiled "I don't even know you, not really. It's so not like me" I took a deep breath. "It's okay." I sat up again.
"It was quite funny to be honest." He said, smiling and I chuckled.
"You know when you tried to leave the first time ." I added. We laughed more remembering the pathetic scene we had created last night in the hallway. " or when you kept calling yourself the president of America at that party"
"We are the two drunk idiots who embarrassed themselves on the first day at college." He said with a smile.
"Yep. Sounds about right." I finalised. "It really could have been worse though. I mean I know we had only met like six hours before, but we didn't do anything that we can't, you know, laugh about now."
"That's true and who cares what Jace has to say about it. I know about much funnier things that he has been caught doing."
"Spill" I said. He compiled. We sat on the floor where we had yesterday.
"okay before he was with Becks, he had this girlfriend, Charlotte, right- he was a bit of a shit before he met Becks to be honest. you know the type goes out with everyone. Anyway, one night my parents went out and she came round. I came back from a party early and my parents picked my up when they saw me walking back home. They were in his room and we all heard Charlotte say 'oh JJ, your winkie is tichy.' my mom stormed in and the look on his face..." he started laughing at the memory. "He was only 15 at the time so fair enough but still."
"Oh god. That is embarrassing." I said smiling. "What did your mom do?" I asked.
"Well Charlotte left and she had a serious talk with him, then he was grounded for a year."
"Awh poor Jace" I laughed. " What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?"
"Hmmmmmm..." he thought about it "okay. So when I was at a highschool football game I was going down the stairs with my girlfriend and I slipped, knocked her down as well and spilt the food all over her. It was terrible. It wasn't a relationship that lasted."
"That's it? Your most embarrassing moment ever? That looks like a 1 compared to mine which is like a 10 at least."
"It only goes up to 10. " He pointed out.
"Exactly" I said
"What is it then?"

"I'll tell you but if you ever breathe a word of this to Jace, I will personally castrate you myself."

You have my word" he said holding his hands up in surrender.
"Pinkie promise" I said holding up my pinkie finger. He shook his head and laughed but held up his pinkie.
"Pinkie promise" he said.
"Okay fine." I began satisfied." Well when I was 16 I was at my boyfriends house, we were gonna do something special for his 17th birthday-it was going to be my...first time. His parents were out and he was downstairs. He was taking a long time, so I decided it would be a good idea to give him a surprise." I closed and eyes. " I was wearing this like flowy underwear and I... lit some candles, I knocked one over and caught on fire. The material was only slightly burnt, I snuffed out the flames with a blanket and I was fine. But then the fire alarm went off. I picked up the blanket that was partially on fire and threw it out side-it was raining. I blew out the candles but the fire alarm was too high up. Then I heard his moms voice down the corridor. I-" I covered my face with my hands "I went out the window, onto the roof. I just didn't want his mom to find me in his room in my underwear. But then his dad was outside picking up the blanket. He saw me and I couldn't move because it was slippy and I was going to fall. They had to man handle me back in through the window. But yeah. That relationship didn't last long either" I looked up at him. He was holding in a laugh. When he saw my cringing facial expression, he let it go and roared with laughter. When he was done he turned back to me.
"You win" he announced.
"Thanks" I replied bitterly. I hesitated for a moment, about to say something.
"What?" He asked.
"Well isn't it going to be a bit weird. Between us I mean."
"Do you feel weird now?"
"No. But, you know, were gonna be living together and everything."
"it doesn't have to be weird. We were drunk. We were stupid. It's just two friends mucking around. No feelings attached, right?"
"Right but-"
"Well let's just say that that's all it will ever be. Let's promise to never do anything more than friendly with each other, ever again. Then it won't be awkward. Just a funny memory."
I thought about that for a moment. "Okay." A memory struck me. When I was little and used to make packs we would seal them with an infinity sign so they lasted forever. " Wait. Do this with your hand." I pointed my index finger and stuck my thumb up, curling the rest of my fingers together. He copied me and I touched my index to the top of his thumb so that his did the same to me. " The infinity sign. Friends forever. Nothing more, nothing less. Agreed?"
This was good. We were going to be friends.
"Just don't fall too much in love with me" he said, stretching his arms above his head.
I shook my head. "Dickface" I said. He chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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