Chapter 15: Love Me Do

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Bongbong decided to give Leni some space during the next days, hence, he continued to leave her messages to avoid making her feel that he neglected her after what happened to them; yet then, he never received a single response from her.

After a couple of weeks, Bongbong communicated with Lourdes to seek help with regards to getting Leni to forgive him or at least talk to him again without walking away. She always supported their relationship, she gladly helped him.

It was late in the afternoon, Leni decided to go to the grocery. "Des, labas lang ako ha, magogrocery lang sandali." Leni told her sister. "Sige ate." She replied, "ito pala yung grocery list." She handed her the long list. As soon as Leni left, Bongbong, who secretly waited nearby immediately went inside the house upon Lourdes' queue.

It took Leni almost two hours before she was able to return due to the long list of grocery that Lourdes gave to her.

The sky started to dim as she drove home, she draped her bag on her shoulder as she carried the three bags of groceries on her hands. She entered the house, she felt unusual as the lights inside were all turned off. She placed one of the bags on the couch and opened the lights only being astonished by the path of rose petals lying on the floor from where she was standing heading to her bedroom.

"Des?" She called but no one was answering. She grabbed the grocery bags again and placed it on the kitchen counter before she decided to follow the path of the rose petals.

She quietly entered her bedroom and saw Bongbong sitting down on the edge of her bed with a little piano on his hands. She looked at him and didn't speak.

"Uh, hi." He cleared his throat and started to sing their favorite jam, Love Me Do by Beatles.

Love, love me do
You know I love you

She watched him sing, her eyes filled with anxiety and sadness as she listened to him.

I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Whoa, love me do

He continued singing, she remained silent, she didn't show any trace of emotion on her face as she felt torn between being enthusiastic or crying in happiness.

Someone to love
Somebody new

A slight tingle dwelled on her chest as she recalled the pain he gave her but then their happy moments together came in and made her realize that it's what matters. The memories of them singing the song on the car, the times they share laughters together and everything. She finally was sure that he makes her happy and complete.

Someone to love
Someone like you

Silence crept in as he finished the song, he waited for her response and took a while before she did.

"Sorry kung panget 'yung boses ko." He tittered, a small smile grew on her lips bringing relief to him. She strode towards him and gave him a hug as her head rested on his chest. He didn't expect that would be her reaction, he thought a certain argument would occur again, he was stoned for a moment, he place the small piano on the bed and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry, Leni." He uttered as he wrapped her small body with his arms. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Sana mapatawad mo ako."

"Thank you for being here now that I need you." She cried, he suddenly felt her crying softly, he cupped her cheeks and looked at her crying face.

Tainted Trust [Leni Robredo x Bongbong Marcos]Where stories live. Discover now