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As my sickness progressed it clouded my heart and blocked out my emotions. I was high strung constantly. It had gotten so bad that if I heard someone shouting even if it wasn't at me then I would be triggered and I would cut.

This is a diary entry from June 30, 3013: I don't think I fit in anywhere other than with my books. I have stopped having nightmares, or if I do I don't remember them like I used to when I was little. My parents think I'm some sort of messed up freak for having nightmares like that when I was three.

I have started cutting...I guess it helps with the pain a little, plus the little red beads of blood are beautiful. Ha! If my parents found out I wrote that they would think I was even more of a creep!

7 years ago my Dad's dad died. My parents started screaming at each other and they took it all out on us...

O.K. so you get the gist. That is an honest to goodness diary entry from the beginning of this year. I found that if I write it relieves my emotions almost as well as cutting so that's why I am writing this.

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