Chapter 2

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It was the next day. Ben and Danielle were at rehearsal like normally during the week. Ben still hadn't talked to Danielle about her cheating husband.

He was about to walk into his dressing room when he felt a hand pulling him.

"Ben!" Danielle called out before he could go in.

"Oh, hey." he greeted.

"Hey, look, um... You should come over again tonight to tell me what you were gonna tell me yesterday. Tim won't be there since he has to work late or something so it's just gonna be the two of us." she said. Ben smiled to himself knowing that they wouldn't get interrupted this time.

"Ok, great. I'll see you later then." he smiled. She smiled back at him and walked away. He liked the idea that they would be alone. He felt like after what he will have to tell her she'll need him.


Later, it was 3 in the morning. Neither of them knew it would lead to this. Ben was laying on a the hospital bed, plugged to a bunch of monitors. He had a bandage around his head, his left arm was broken and so was his right leg. The doctors had to perform emergency surgery on him since his ribs were damaged and were causing problems to his lungs. His face and body were covered in cuts and bruises.

Danielle was by his side feeling terrible. She kept blaming herself for what happened to him as she was crying heavily. The doctors told her that he was in a coma but they weren't sure if he would wake up since he was hit really bad which made her feel even worse.

Here's what happened.

Ben went to Danielle's house as they had planned earlier in the day. They were sitting on the couch. Before he told her what he wanted to tell her, he decided to talk a little bit instead of just breaking the news on her directly. They were laughing as they always did but Danielle really wanted to know, so she stopped and got more serious.

"Ok, come on, now. Tell me. What's going on? You've been acting shy and quiet lately which is the total opposite of you. It seems like the secret you're keeping away from me is eating you alive. So now, tell me. Please." she said looking directly into his dark brown eyes. He couldn't resist to her pity look so he prepared himself to tell her.

"Ok, so what I wanted to tell you is that um... Your husband... he's cheating on you." he said looking down. He was too afraid to look up to see the expression on her face.

"W-what?" she stuttered. She didn't know how to react. "How do you know, when did you–" she was cut off by him.

"A few weeks ago... I was having lunch with my friend and she told about this guy that she has been with for the past two months... who's name was Tim Belusko. I'm sorry, Danielle." he said looking at her. He could see her eyes watering and it made him break even more inside.

"No... I don't believe you. I don't want to believe you." she said shaking her head as a tear ran down her cheek. "A few weeks ago?! Ben, why didn't you tell me earlier." she yelled as she stood up.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you and I was scared of how you would react." he said. He could see the anger in her eyes.

"This is all because of you." she said looking at him.

"Me?! Danielle how the hell can it be because of me." he said standing as well.

"He always felt threatened because of you. You just had to always be there and act as if I was yours but I'm not. And because of that he just got further away from me. This is all your fault." she yelled as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Do you even hear yourself?! Danielle this is crazy! How can it be my fault when you constantly repeat to everyone that were just friends and that we've always been just friends?! Stop blaming me for this. We both know that Tim just wasn't that interested in you and probably more interested in your money!" he yelled. Her eyes widened at what he said. The last part really hit her and made her even more angry.

"How dare you say that?! You say we're friends?! What kind of friend are you for keeping this away from me! Stop always getting in my business all the time! I don't need it! I don't need you!" she yelled as more tears ran down her cheeks. She was looking directly in his eyes filled with anger. After she said what she said, she noticed that his look changed and he seemed more hurt than angry now.

"Just get out of my life!" she said sitting down on the couch and putting her face in her hands. Ben didn't say anything. He just took his coat and stormed out. Danielle was crying with her face in her hands when she heard the door slam. She just sat there... thinking.

Ben got in his car. He slammed the door after he climbed in. He thought about what Danielle and he had said to each other. He was so angry that he couldn't focus on the road. He kept thinking about Danielle when he saw a bright white light heading fast towards him. He heard a big crash and glass shattering before his world went black.

Two hours later, Danielle wasn't feeling any better. She had stopped crying. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was angry and upset about her husband but she was even more upset about the fight she had with Ben. She started to regret what she told him. She was just so angry about her husband that all the bad things she said just slipped out. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the phone ring. She took a deep breath before answering.

"Hello?" she said.

"Danielle? It's Ben's mom. Look, Ben was in a car accident." she said in a shaky tone.

"W-what? W-what happened?" she asked on a shaky tone. She felt tears rushing back to her eyes.

"Just come to the hospital fast." Ben's mom said.

"O-ok" Danielle answered. She rushed out of the door and rushed to the hospital.

That's what happened

Now Ben was there, in the hospital with Danielle crying by his side. Danielle wiped her tears and grabbed his hand. She's been by his side for hours now. She felt like it was her fault that he got in the accident. If she hadn't said all the hurtful things she said to him, he wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed with a bunch of cords coming from him.

"Ben, I know you probably can't hear me but if you can please listen. I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I know you were just trying to protect me and that your intention wasn't to hurt me. When I said that I didn't need you and to get out of my life I didn't mean it. And now I feel horrible because you might really get out of my life and I don't want that because I do need you. More than anything. Please wake up. If you don't, I'll never forgive myself." she said as heavy tears fell from her eyes.

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