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You are the sunshine of my life.

Always there to bring me up,

When I fall down.

Or just to cheer me up,

When I feel down.

I look in your eyes,

Only to see some sparks of life.

The life you give me everyday,

Helping my heart to breath and live.

You are the sunshine of my life.

Your light is so bright at night,

Energy coming right out of your body.

Warming up my heart and my soul,

Taking my breath away.

You don't know how much I love you,

How much you count for me.

I love to see you rise in the morning,

All new and beautiful.

You are the sunshine of my life.

You are the only sun shinning in my life

Bringing happiness and love in my days

And I would like you to be my moon

So you can bring light in my nights.

So now you are my universe,

My stars full of hope.

My moon full of light.

My sun full of love.

And my universe will last forever.

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