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Small body shaking with cries,

Only needing a comforting sight.

Perhaps the love of a mother,

Or the love of a whole family,

After all it takes a village,

To raise a child.

First steps and first words are kept,

Making memories for years to come.

They try to catch everything on image,

Forgetting about the moment itself.

Everything seems so big and fun,

Walking proudly around the house.

Playing games and having fun,

So carefree and innocent.

They are some things you don't get,

You're too young to understand now.

And you don't need to know it all,

Somethings are just too messed up.

You're curious and ask so much stuff,

Adults answer without saying the truth.

Reality is starting to sink in,

Liars convince you that it isn't that bad.

You grow up and take real decisions,

You have your own opinion.

You realize what the world is like,

Not too innocent anymore.

Developing your character like a shell,

A protection for your lost mind.

Trying to find who you really are,

Important choices are to be made.

You know what you want in life,

A particular road has been taken.

You start to work in the real world,

Realizing your expectations were high.

It's time to form a new family,

You need to choose the right one.

One that you love more than anything,

That you want to spend your life with.

You found a person and she's special,

With her you feel amazingly alive.

But life has a lot of surprises for you,

And the one you love is brought away.

Depression hits you like a tsunami,

The pain in your heart is obvious.

You don't want to be hurt again,

And that's impossible if you stay alive.

So you decide to do it by yourself,

You want to end your life for good.

You want to never feel pain again,

You want to go in paradise forever.

You take the knife and bring it up,

You move your hand in one movement.

Blood is everywhere on the floor,

And the life in you is gone like the pain.

You found your paradise in heaven,

Your soul and heart resting in peace.

Life surprised you and you reacted,

You decided to take the wrong path.

Death is the end of it all,

But it's also a new beginning.

A chance for others to realize,

That life is the most precious gift of all.

So try not to waste it.

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