Dead End

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I stand alone in the city I love. I walk quietly and hum my favourite tune. It was always beautiful with the street lights around. It was peaceful and calming. I mean who doesn't like it.

Suddenly, I came a cross this weird edge or a dead end of the road. Then,I wonder to myself for a while, This road is always used by cars to go to the country side and city. How come there's  a dead end?

So I decide to turn back and when I did,that's when I saw a boy. He was holding just one lantern in hand. He's smile was wide until it reached the cheek bone. He tilt his head a bit and widen his smile and said

" Night,Night! "

And everything turned black. The street lights even the city lights. It was total darkness. I was sweating a lot and directly took out my lighter.

The lighter flinch three times.

The first time it flinch, the boy was alone staring at me.

The second flinch, the were a group of children coming close to me.

The third flinch, they were gone.

I took a breath of relief and run as fast as I could to my car. Suddenly, something stopped me.I checked my pockets and realized I'd drop my wallet. So I decide to turn back and retrieve it.

I saw my wallet at the back of a street light. When I bend down to take it, my lighter flame was out. My eyes widen and quickly on my lighter but this time it only flinch once and at that very moment the children are singing again.

So when it flinch, the children was standing the opposite side of the street light.

And when the lighter lights, the children was close enough to blow my lighter out.

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