Chapter 4

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A light knock on the door woke me, soon enough I heard the thump of a body crashing to the ground along with my brothers voice yelling in unison. “Ewwwww, That NEVER Happened” giggling I looked back to the person who had entered the room.

“Morning Georgia” I said in a sleepy tone, I stretched my arms out above my head and twisted my neck a little. “Morning Ashley, I just wanted to tell you that your blood results came back all clear so you can move around today but I still suggest you take it easy” I nodded appreciatively.

“O and Braydon, Jake, I saw that” she giggled as she ran out of the room, always young at heart that one. A little groan came from the side of the bed where I saw Braydon and Jake now sitting up away from each other.

“Come on both of you up and out now” My mother called, both my brothers stood and walked out of the room. “Ashley, I thought maybe we could have a girls day today, we can go and get you some new clothes and things like that” she asked me expectantly. I nodded and watched as her eyes fileld with excitement, “Well go have a shower and there are a few clothes in the walk in but not many considering it’s a guest room….” she trailed off.

“We can move you back into your old room” she said, I smiled and agreed and got up out of bed stretching my stiff muscles. “Come down to the kitchen when you are ready” she said and she left my room with my father in tow.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting it steam up the room before I got in, once I was sure of the heat I stripped down and got into the shower, I grabbed a shampoo and conditioner and washed my hair. The scent of cinnamon comforted me and I relaxed while the water poured over my sore muscles, I stepped out of shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body.

Once I was dry I dropped the towel inspecting my battered body, the scar on my chest was dark and looked painful, I turned around looking at the pale scars that littered my body. I bent down and picked up the towel and walked into the closet.

I grabbed a pair of dark wash denim shorts and a loose singlet and pulled them on, I then grabbed some black flip flops and walked out of room and followed my nose down stairs to the kitchen. When I stepped in everyone grew silent, I smiled over to my brother Jake who stood by the stove with a piece of bacon in his mouth.

His grin grew and he ran over to me and picked me up spinning me around in a hug, laughing he put me down and led me around introducing me to others in the kitchen, most of them I rembered slightly. Just as I was about to put my second piece of pancake in my mouth an overwhelming sense of nausea rushed over me.

I ran to the closest bathroom and threw up all the delicious food I had just eaten, within seconds Jake was behind me holding my hair and stroking my back, Georgia joined us just as I was finishing off. I flushed the toilet and closed the lid pulling myself up to sit on it.

Georgia handed me a wet face washer, I wiped my face off and sat with my head between my legs, “Its because you have obviously been starved, meaning your now used to such rich foods and your body instantly rejected it” I nodded knowning I should have though it thorugh.

“But its pancakes they aren’t rich and she didn’t even have a whole one” Jake complained, I let out a little laugh and turned my face up to him. “Yeah but considering I have only had water and stale bread for the last eight years it’s a tiny bit rich” he looked to me clearly concerned about me, but then began shaking with rage.

“Jake, calm down…I told you this last night” I looked up at him concerned he would shift, “You didn’t tell me it was that bad though” he almost yelled as he started pacing. My mother came into view behind him in the door way looking a little worried.

She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and instantly he calmed, “Jake go outside I know your wolf wants a run” he followed what she said and walked out of the bathroom and away. Georgia explained the situation to my mother and then helped me up off the seat.

“Are you sure you want to go out today I promise I don’t mind” I shook my head at her question and started gently pushing her out, she finally took my hint and started leading me to an old grey truck. “You still have Beauty” I asked excitedly, that is what we had named her Black Nissan Navara, it was actually Black Beauty but we shortened it.

She nodded her head embarrassed and continued over to the truck, hoisting myself inside, “Lets G4” I said, she looked over to me shocked. “You still say G…O My God” she said as a few tears ran down her face, I leant over and hugged her.

A few minutes later she started up the truck and drove us off into the nearest town, we parked the truck in the shopping centres car park and walked inside, looking at multiple different stores. “Come on in here” she said while pulling me in behind her. She released my hand and walked off towards some dresses, I made a beeline straight towards the jeans, I ran my hands along all the different pairs of jeans.

“Pick as many as you want” my mother’s voice came from beside me making me jump. I grabbed multiple pairs of short shorts, with different colours and embellishments, and then a few pairs of skinny jeans as well. Then I went over to the shirts and grabbed many different singlets that where all a size to big for me making them fall loosely over my body.

We then walked over to the dresses and picked up a few simple ones, as well as two pairs of sandals, a few pairs of heels, two fancier dresses and five different swim suits. My mother payed and then we walked out and put all the bags in the backseat of the car. “Okay ready to go home?” she asked.

I nodded and pulled myself up into the truck, when we arrived home my mother and I carried the bags up into my old room which was similar to the guest room only this one had pictures of my family and pack scattered around.

We hung up the clothes and placed them in wardrobe, chatting in the process, “Ashley, we have to tell you something” my fathers sad voice said from the door. I turned around to see him and my mother with sad expressions on their faces.

“Come sit” he gestured to the bed and I complied sitting down and waiting for them to tell me what happened. “Well a few members of the Blood Lust pack got away, including the Alpha” I stilled completely. My grandfather had gotten away.


This is really a filler chapter, I know its pretty crap, anyway its late and I gotta sleep so bye for now me lovelies, please comment and vote and I will love you forever.

Xx SophieBoffie

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