Running Off For..?

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You were planning to run away, unknowingly how long though.

You were hoping never to return really.

But your plan wasn't going so well for you. That is for a start because of some damn floor board making you very wary of walking...

...First again...
Second step...


Third step...



Fucking damn it shut the fuck up wooden floor board!

...One again...




When you did finally succeed you were surprised it was easier than you thought or better than you did in the past before. Long story short shit happened for last time.


Your surrounding was dark and quiet it wasn't as great as you thought... But hey who says a young adult or 17 supposedly, can't do their own thing? That is if you choose to at the right moment.

Carrying nothing but a backpack and purse the technical travel pack of yours that you set up for tonight just in case you don't return to whatever hell type of home yours is. Or now considered a was.

You traveled 5 miles walking, hiking up hills sometimes, through shortcuts in your neighborhood, through the parks, and surprisingly hitching a car ride though very little as much as you could it's not always safe. You ran into a pervert in one and had to jump out the car while it was moving and then run!... for God's sake isn't anything 100% safe? Guess not there's always a weakness of some kind to safety.

After reaching an area you don't recognize so well you tried thinking about the direction to go next.

....Man, it's too quiet for it turning morning almost..Then again it's a road where not many cars go through anyways. But shouldn't there at least be a cricket chirping or whatever it's called at I'm an idiot sometimes heh...

You checked the time on your phone.


You were heading for a white hole you seen before in the woods near the camp you came from yesterday surprisingly. That camp week was a waste of your life in your opinion in some ways because of the fucking fact there was a shit ass rumor that went around the camp about you, planning on killing your cabin mates by sleep walking...or more like by awake and do it with a fucking kandama and shit.

Those fuckers......Hope they rot with issues worse than mine... maybe even hell but thank god, I'm a little nicer than that.. all I fucking said is if someone attacked me I'd probably be able to defend myself and if I fail and die I'll try to kill them along with me... buuut nooo that one bitch had to say rumors and fucking say shit...She even made the only person that was nice in that cabin be afraid of me and fucking cry. if anything she out of everyone should rot in hell and worse. If I run into her if anything I'd probably kill her for real.

You sigh scrunching your face in anger and frustration at that stupid disappointing memory. You usually try not to say rude things about others especially considering it was at a Salvation Army Camp...It used to be your favorite place to go to as a kid. Too bad they fucking had to ruin it. Fucking shit in my opinion now. I don't ever want to visit again the people there are fucking liars too... fucking "ill won't share anything" my ass.

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