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I’ve had a few boyfriends in the past, but out all of them, only one was the one who I had never been able to get out of my head. He was my everything, but he left me for another. I never seemed to heal from that pain, but I was slowly getting to the point where I didn’t have to think about him. I have my current boyfriend, Josh Devine, to thank for that. He made me happy, and I knew he loved. He promised me he would never hurt me the way my past love did. I never did tell Josh a lot about him, and respected that.

                I was sitting on the couch in my flat watching the clock as the minutes ticked by. Every time the minute hand moved meant I was another minute closer to being with Josh. I had been away from him for five months. He works with this boy band as their drummer. He goes on tour with them, and I miss him a lot when he’s gone. He’s never really talked about the guys in the band, and I’ve never met them.

                I looked over at the clock. It was almost time. I heard a beep coming from my phone. I almost jumped from excitement, knowing that it would be him. It was.

                Josh<3: Babe, is it alright if I bring my mates with me to your flat?

                I smiled. I finally get to meet his best mates.

                Me: Of course, it’s fine can’t wait to meet them.

                I went to kitchen to get something to eat. I looked over at the pot of food I had made, but I couldn’t eat that – not yet. I looked through the kitchen. I finally decided on an apple. I washed the apple and took a bite out of it. After I took the first bite, the doorbell rang. I smiled like I’ve never smiled before and ran towards the door.

                I opened the door and found myself face to face with my gorgeous boyfriend. His hair was slightly messed up and he was carrying one suit case in each hand. He placed the suitcases on the floor as I pulled him into a hug. After we separated, I grabbed one of his suitcases, and he grabbed the other. I brought his suitcase in side and placed it next to the couch. I looked over at the door and watched as four guys piled into the apartment. They were all very attractive, but I had my Josh, and I would never trade him for any one.

                “Okay,” Josh said, “This is Gabby. She’s my girlfriend he announced.”

                “HI, Gabby,” the guys said in unison.

                “Gabby, this is Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik,” Josh said pointing at each boy. “Wait, where’s . . .”

                “He’s outside talking to him mum,” Zayn interrupted.

                “He shouldn’t take long,” Liam said.

                “Well, then who wants dinner?” I asked.

                All the boys muttered a yes. I smiled and lead them to the kitchen table. They each took a seat, while Josh and I went into the kitchen. I grabbed a giant fork, while Josh got the smaller forks and plates. He handed me a plate, so I could serve our guest the spaghetti I had made. When we were done serving, Josh and I sat down to eat with the other guys. We ate and talked about their tour, how they became famous, and other interesting facts about them.

                During this dinner, I had learned that Harry likes cats, Liam was afraid of spoons, Zayn loves to draw, and Louis was the prankster. I knew the guys and I were going to get along really well. After we finished eating, I began picking up plates and stacking them all, so I could take them to the sink. As I grabbed Zayn’s plate, I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again, the voice belonging to the man who broke me, who caused me so much unbearable pain.

                “Is there any left for me?” the familiar voice asked. I looked towards the voice, and I felt my heart stop. My jaw dropped, and my jaw dropped. No, I had to be dreaming. He couldn’t be here. There was no way. Maybe, it was someone who looks like him.

                “Niall, mate, glad you can join us,” Josh said. I was wrong; it was him. I froze in place. This couldn’t be the Niall who had broken my heart in the distant past I had chosen to forget. This Niall had his hair styled into a quiff, and he didn’t have crooked teeth.

                I felt as the plate in my hand slipped out of my grip, making its way to the floor. The sound it made as it hit the floor and shattered to pieces, broke me out of the trance I had been in.

                “You?” I whispered.

                “Gabby, are you okay?” Josh asked me.

                “Um, I need to go to the bathroom,” I said, making my way towards the bathroom. As I passed Niall, he grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear, “Hey, Gabby.”

                I could feel a tear run down my cheek, and I could picture the smirk he had on his face. After he let me go, I ran into the bathroom locked myself in and broke down into tears. I couldn’t believe he was back. Just when my life was heading in a good direction, he came back to destroy it.

A/N: So, I couldn't sleep, and I started writing this. It's dedicated to my best friend with whom I'm currently in a fight with, but I had this idea, and it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote down. Well, hope you like it.

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