I ran out of names..... O-O

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Brick: dang it, i thought you quit !?

Me: *gasp* how dare you !?!?!? ICE DEMON SLAYER SECRET ART: FROZEN HEART !!!!! *frozes Brick in an iceblock

Blossom: BRICK !!!!!!

Rave: Lol, he had that coming tho.

T.Y: can't you be just a little nice atleast one chapter ?

Rave: nu~~~

Me: anyway~~~ DARE TIME !!!!! ICE DEMON: ROAR !!!!!!!! *attacks Sun*

Sun: HEY--- *jumps and dodges my attack* WHAT THE HECK !?!?!?!

Kathy: TODAY'S DARE IS FOR THE HOST TO FIGHT THEIR COUNTERPART !!!!! *plays a distorted tune*

Brandon/Jonathan: *covering his ears* SERIOUSLY !?!?!

Sammy: SHIZU~~~ YOU BETTEr DUCK !!!!! *shots Shizu with a bazooka*

Shizu: *ducks**puts up a shield* WHEN WILL THIS END !?!?!?

Dream: BRINGS BACK MEMORY, RIGHT DAIKI !?!?! *swinging her axe around**trying to hit Daiki*

Daiki: THIS IS WHY WE LEARN HOW TO DODGE !!!! *dodges the attack left and right*

Snow: *ready to shoot Frost with an arrow* this is going to be fun~~~ *shoots*

Frost: *gets scratch a little on the cheek* S*** THAT F****** HURT !!!!!!

C.Z.R: *turns into a beast* It'S sUpPoSeD tOo~~~ *swing her arm towards Niko*

Niko: *crosses arm and blocks the attack**making the floor to crack a little* ATLEAST WARN US FIRST !!!!

Rave: AWWW~~~ ARE YOU SCARED~~~ *makes a few things floats and shoots it at T.Y*

T.Y: *jumps and ducks over the stuff* HAH !!!! MISSED--- *gets hit by a frying pan*

Alex: *sitting untop of a cannon ball* BYE, BYE !!!! *shoots*

Alfread: EEKKKK !!!!!! *ducks*

White: *attacking Black with a sphere* THIS IS FOR MAKING PAY FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU DO !!!!!

Black: *runs away* AAAHHHHHHH !!!!!

Cathrine: oh~~~ C.J~~~ *holding up two katanas*

C.J: *gulps*

Puff&Punks&Ruffs&Rights: *taking cover*

*a few minutes later*

Me: *staring at the heap of 'corpse' which were the host's and Co-host's CounterParts* .....their alive right ?

Bree: ........

Kathy: while we wait, you guys have to have fun with Ayano a.k.a 'Yandere-Chan'

*a few minuted later*

Ayano: NO ONE TALKS TO MY SENPAI !!!!!! *chasing Brick & Blake while holding a knife*


Blake: HALP !!!!!!!

Buttercup: .....when do you think they will remember that they can fly ?

Bree: *facepalms*


Brat: we're back--- *sees every Counterparts tickling each other* O-o

C.J: Ahahahahahaha-- this is the ne-- ahahahahh-- dare !!!!

Blossom: oh goodie....

*time skip*

Boys: *thinking of what could make the girl's laugh*

*time skip*

Boys: *does a reenactment of various funny vines*

Girls: *laughing out loud*

PPuffGZ, PPunkGZ, RRightBZ & RRowdyBZ : Truth or DareWhere stories live. Discover now