Chapter 12: Anna's scary encounter with the legion

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The next day everyone went with the usual routine. They all went to training and Ashley was more focused now and didn't end up shy like she did yesterday.  When it was their break time  Ashley had a discussion about the legion.

"Ok listen everyone when it comes to the legion I want all of you to be on your guard. The legion are stronger the you think and the exile are not ready to face them head on so I don't want you guys to anything rash when it comes to them" explained Ashley.

"What do we do if we see one? Can't we defend ourselves?" said Craig.

"Well yes you can what I meant was to stay away from the legion base it is heavily guarded and whoever gets caught in trying to sneak in or steal something will be killed on sight. So when it comes to that you cannot go alone" said Ashley.

"What do you mean by that Ashley?" said Marcel.

"To face the base head on you need to be well trained and have a lot of people with you" said Ashley.

"I see so that means we are not strong enough to face the whole legion base head on?" said Marcel.

"Well yes, you guys need to be at least around my level if you want to face them head on. The legion are very strong and this time they are planning something, something probably involving finding the missing princess and convert her to there side" said Ashley.

"Who's the missing princess?" said Jessica.

"We're not to sure about that one "
Jessica" said Ashley.

"Ok then" said Jessica. Everyone started talking about the missing princess and Ashley had to clap her hands to get their attention.

"Alright everyone back to training" said Ashley. They trained for the rest of the day and went home. As they were walking home Jonathan noticed that Jessica was thinking about something.

"Hey you ok Jess?" said Jonathan.

"Huh oh I'm fine just thinking about something that's all" said Jessica.

"What are you thinking about Jess?" said David.

"I'm thinking about the missing princess" said Jessica.

"Ok what about her?" said Lui.

"I don't know I just think Ashley might know who the princess is" said Jessica.

"Yeah come to think of it she didn't answer your question straight away, it seemed like she hesitated a little there" said Evan.

"Exactly" said Jessica.

"Then I wonder who it could be then I mean they all have been targeting Jessica at this point" said Craig. Everyone stared at Jessica with a strange look.

"Hey hold on now you don't think I'm the missing princess don't you?" said Jessica.

"No, we don't know that, but the legion has been attacking you for no reason so I suggest we should all protect Jessica at all costs" said Tyler.

"I agree" said Marcel.

"Wait hold on you guys shouldn't risk your lives for me I mean it's a great thing that you guys are thinking about me but... I don't want any of you to die because of me. I need to learn how to defend myself and when that happens I'll be more skilled" said Jessica.

"That's true but the mysterious power that you have in your body is very strong you haven't tried controlling it yet Jessica and because of that your power is dangerous to everyone here" said Anna.

"Yeah you're right but I will learn how to use it properly maybe Ashley might help me train to control my power" said Jessica.

"Yeah I guess you could try to control your powers Jess you just need some practice" said Marcel.

"Yeah anyway can we stop thinking about this now I'm starting to feel a little depressed about the whole situation" said Jessica.

"Ok let's go home and you take some of your medicine" said Jonathan.

"Yes that would be a great idea" said Tyler.

"Wait can we go and get a drink first I'm thirst as fuck" said Jessica.

"Yeah same here lets go" said Evan.

"I'll come too" said Anna. Everyone went to the shop and got a soda or a soft drink.

"I love my Coca Cola it's the coolest thing around" said Jessica sounding so chilled. Everyone laughed.

"I just got water" said David.

"I got the monster energy drink" said Craig.

"I got lemonade" said Tyler.

"I got Coke too" said Lui.

"I got creaming soda" said Marcel.

"I got a bottle of ginger beer" said Jonathan.

"And I got apple juice" said Anna. Everyone say at a table chatting and finishing up their drinks.

"Well I think it's time to go home now" said Jonathan.

"Yeah let's go" said Jessica.

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow then" said Anna. They waved at her and she waved back. She started to go back to Ashley's place to have dinner. She had stopped multiple times to look at stuff in the shops. She realised that her weapons needed upgrading and she went into one of the shops to upgrade her gun, aux and staff. After that she went into the direction to where Ashley lives and followed the path. Ashley's house was in the woods and Anna had always seemed to be a bit scared of the woods. All of a sudden someone pounced on Anna and she kicked then off of her. She pulled out her staff and aim it at the man. She then realised that this man was part of the legion and she was trembling in fear.

"I finally found you Anna" said the man.

"Who are you and why are you here?" said Anna.

"Surely you must recognise the legion prince right my loyal servant" said the man about to knock her out. The man was stopped by Ashley.

"Don't you dare try to hurt my sister asshole I don't care if you're the prince no one hurts my sister!" said Ashley as she threw him to the ground. Anna ran to Ashley and gripped onto her.

"Leave now!" shouted Ashley. The man stood up.

"This isn't over Anna you hear me!" said the man and ran off. Ashley looked back at Anna who was trembling with fear.

"Are you ok Anna did you get hurt?" said Ashley.

"No but... But" said Anna.

"But what Anna tell me" said Ashley.

"That was a scary encounter with the legion prince" said Anna. Ashley took Anna inside as she thought this:

'Is this really happening why are they after Jessica and Anna? I guess I will find out for myself to protect them from danger'.

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