My ABC's
A - Age: 17 years old 😃
B - Biggest Fear: Snakes 😧
C - Current Time: 10:17 pm
D - Drink you last had: Water 😀
E - Easiest Person to Talk to: Mom 😘
F - Favorite Songs: Secret Love Song; Locked Away; Para Sa'yo and Tulad Mo (aon) 🎶🎶🎶
G - Grossest Memory: When my friends drank the battered egg 😶
H - Hometown: Chocolate Hills 😉
I - In love with: Cyron Avery 😘😍
J - Jealous of: Having my best friend get closer to their new friends better than me 😒
K - Killed Someone: I'd be in jail if I did 😑
L - Longest Relationship: on going 😊
M - Middle Name: "Montefalco" 😂
N - Number of Siblings: 3 👌
O - One Wish: I can Teleport 😅
P - Person who you last called: Cyron 😍
Q - Questions you're always asked: Why I'm (always) OP? 😑
R - Reason to smile: Because God gave us everyday life to continue our mission 😇
S - Song last sang: History 🎶🎶🎶
T - Time you woke up: 6 am, 8 am or 10 am 😄
U - Underwear Color: white 😑
V - Vacation destination: U.K 😏
W - Worst habit: writing 😁
X - X-rays you've had: When I got admitted 😷
Y - Your favorite food: FRENCH FRIES 🍟
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius ♒
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