Chapter Ten

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"Before you say anything" Zayn interrupted Harry, "do you want anything to drink? You had a pretty long drive."

"Uh no I'm good thanks" Harry asnwered.
"But I really have to tell you this and it can't wait any longer."

Zayn sighed "Okay go ahead"
Harry shifted in his seat so his body was facing Zayn now. He seemed nervous and it looked like he was trying to find the right words. "So the reason I drove all this way to Bradford is because I couldn't hold it any longer. After what you said to me...I-I just had to tell you."
"I had to tell you that I felt the same way." He said while looking at the floor.

"You do?!" Zayn asked in disbelieve. Harry just nodded his head while bitting his underlip. "Harry don't lie to me, you don't have to say that just because I told you how I felt. I'm not gonna cry if you reject me. So you can be honest, I can handle it. Honestly."

Harry quickly looked back at Zayn's face. "No I mean it Zayn, I like you, always did always will." He took Zayn's hand in his. "Are you sure?" Zayn asked again. "Yes" Harry answered, "why else would I come here in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know, it seems kinda impossible for someone like you to like someone like me" Zayn said as he took his hands back out of Harry's hand. "What do you mean?" Harry asked horrified. "I just think that you got caught up in the emotion of not wanting to hurt me by telling me you don't feel the same, I'm sure you'll change our mind and probably regret this in the morning."

"Zee what are you talking about?! I've liked you from the day we first met."

"Why didn't you say anything then?" Zayn asked as he stood up from his bed and started to walk over to his window. "I mean I've known you for 5 years, you never once gave me the impression you liked me."

"That's because you never paid attention to me, you always were the first one to leave the room when I entered." Harry responded as he walked to the spot where Zayn was standing at. "Remember you avoided me?" He asked.
"Yeah" Zayn answered while looking out of the window "but you know why I did it, right?"
"I do now" He answered "but back then I thought you hated me, so of course I'm not going to come up to you and be like; hey even though you probably hate me, I like you."

Zayn let out a small laugh "Okay I get it."
"So that's my reason, what was yours again?" Harry asked the person in front of him. "Afraid of rejection" Zayn simply stated.

They stood in silence a couple of minutes, Zayn was watching the wind that was blowing through the trees while looking lost in his thoughts. Harry didn't know what to say next so he cleared his throat before asking: "Do you wanna go outside for a walk?" Zayn focused his attention back on Harry as he nodded his head. 

They both quietly went down stairs and opened the front door. It was still cold outside but it was nice to be in the quiet air, the only light that were shining where from the streetlights. "Looks like it's gonna snow soon" Harry commented. Zayn just hummed in respond. They started walking towards the end of the street, neither one of them saying another word after the previous comment made by Harry. It wasn't a akward silence, it was the kinda silence you have after you ask a child something and the kid is thinking about the answer so you just wait in anticipation till the child answers you. That's what the both of them did, both waiting on the other one to answer the unspoken and unasked question. What may the question be, you might wonder... Well they didn't knew that either, maybe it had to do with the future, where will they go from here? From admitting that they liked each other. Will there even be a future with them together or is this just one of the things you randomly remember at 4 AM in bed  as you regret all your mistakes and life decisions. Regret not asking what the other person was thinking, regret not asking if they might want the same thing you want and regret not taking the first step. Would they be able to live life without getting answers? There was only one way to know: ask.
But was this the right time? Maybe the other person didn't want to asnwer, what will you do then?

They continued walking, Harry had his eyes on the ground while Zayn walked with his hands in his pockets. Finally Harry got enough courage to break the silence by asking where they were going. "I wanna show you something" was all that left Zayn's mouth. And the silence returned.

After some time passed Harry saw that they were heading towards the woods. "Uh Zayn" he started. "Is it save to be walking here at this time?"
Zayn nodded his head and continued walking with Harry following right behind.
They entered the woods, you could see the moon from the branches. "We're almost there" Zayn stated.

They walked further into the woods. Harry couldn't help but wonder what Zayn wanted to show him. What could there probably be in the middle of the woods that was worth seeying?  A part of him was scared, what if there are wild animals here. If it wasn't for Zayn, he'd never agreed to walk in the night in the woods. He wouldn't trust anyone else. Someone else might kill and bury him here. But he trusted Zayn with all his life. All these thoughts were running through his head, he didn't notice that they were now at a cliff. "We're here" Zayn said proudly. Harry looked around. "It is beautiful Zayn" he said. It really was, you could see the whole city getting lightend up by the moonlight and streetlights. "Let's sit" Zayn walked over at the edge and sat down, his legs hanging of the cliff. Zayn saw Harry hesitating so he motioned Harry to sit. "Don't worry I won't push you off" he smiled. Harry laughed and walked over to the end of the edge. "I can't let you have such a easy dead" Zayn continued.

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