Chapter Nine

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WHAT?! Zayn started freaking out. He can't be serious, he thought...but what if he is? I mean it's Harry that we're talking about. 'FUCK' Zayn groaned as he called Harry. As expected Harry didn't answer. There was only one thing left to do : sending threat messages.

To Harry: Harry you can't mean that

To Harry: pick up your damn phone!!

To Harry: Harry I'm not home! Don't come!

To Harry: I swear to God, I won't open the door!!

To Harry: Why'd you wanna come anyways?!

Zayn got out of bed and started random walking towards the door and then back to his bed, not sure what to do. What if Harry really shows up, what the hell will I say? And why the fuck is he coming in the middle of the night!

After several minutes passed he decided to send one last text.
To Harry: Listen, I don't need u to come and tell me that you never thought about me in that way, I know u didn't. So plz don't make this any harder for me and just let it be, okay?

He waited on a reply, It didn't matter to which message Harry would respond as long as he at least replied.

Ten minutes later he still hadn't heard from Harry yet. This was so frustrating. Zayn took his phone and dailed his number one last time while pushing his fingers through his hair.

It went straight to voicemail this time.

To Harry: We can talk about it in the morning if u want or like when the break is over, I'll see you in like a week. But plz don't come in the middle of the night.

To Harry: It's like a one hour and 21 minutes drive from Holmes Chapel to Bradford. I googled it. And it's almost 3am!!

Zayn took a seat on his bed as he thought about the possibilities of how tonight will go. Harry could come over and give him a friendzone lecture or he could say that he never will feel that way for him. Or he could say that he isn't even gay. WAIT! Am I even gay? I mean , yeah I like a boy, so that means I'm gay right? Or am I bi? I never found another guy attractive besides from Harry.. What does that make me?! All these thoughts were running through his mind, how could he give Harry answers if he didn't knew them himself? He fell back down on his bed while groaning. Then it hit him! He could run away or fake his own that is a little too extreem. Maybe Harry was just playing and he isn't really on his way. I mean why would he? Or maybe he meant to sent that text to someone else?

He checked his phone, no messages. Maybe Harry had fallen asleep
You know what? I'm going to bed. I don't think he meant it. And even if he did, I don't care anymore.

Zayn turned his lights back off and tried going back to sleep. The previous events running through his head. To be honest he was kinda dissapointed, a part of him had hoped Harry would show up. But oh well...

He thought about how his life would be if he had been lucky enough to be with the person he liked. Why was everything so complicated. Would it be easier if Harry had been a girl? Or would it he easier if they weren't bandmates? What if they tried being in a relationship and it wouldn't work out. How do you continue working with someone that you had been together with. Working with your ex, seeying your ex everyday. That sounds horrible. Especially when you aren't on good terms. There should be like a law or something where it's forbidden to see your ex.
Wow, talk about 3 -4ish AM thoughts...

Finally after several life changing thoughts and  solutions his mind managed to slow down a bit on the great ideas and helped him fall asleep.

He didn't know how long he was sleeping for before he heard a loud noice. but it felt to short, that's for sure. He heard the noice again, this time harder and louder. Ugh just ignore it he thought as he tried his best to sleep through the sound.

It didn't work. He heard it again and again and each time louder than the one before. Okay, that's enough! What the fuck is that!! He turned on his light and started looking around. There was nothing in his room. Was it coming from outside than? He sat up straight and waited for the sound.

It indeed happend again. Wait, that sounds like it's coming from the window. He jumped out of his bed and headed over to the window. He heard it again, this time loud and clear. It sounded like stones hitting glass. WHAT THE HELL SOMEONE IS THROWING STONES AT MY WINDOW!! He yelled when his brain finally put two and two together and processed it.

He opened the window and started yelling: "WHO THE HELL IS THERE?!"

"Zayn?" He heard a soft voice speak. "Zayn, it's Harry. Thank god you're up."


"Sstt!! Stop yelling, you'll wake everyone up" Harry said.

"Well you should had thought that before you woke me up in the middle of the night by throwing stones at my window" Zayn stated but he lowerd his voice, he couldn't risk his parents or sisters to wake up. And besides he already pissed off his neighbours enough (😏)

"Sorry" Harry apologized "but can you like come outside, it's kinda hard talking to you like this"

"No way! I'm not coming outside it's fucking cold!" Zayn replied. He then sighed "Wait let me open the front door for you."

Harry waited till Zayn opened the door.

"Come in" Zayn said after he saw Harry standing. "But please don't make a sound, everyone is asleep" he warned. Harry just nodded his head.

Zayn led him upstairs to his bedroom and motioned Harry to sit on the bed. Harry cooperated while looking around.

"I can't believe you actually did fucking came" Zayn whispered while closing his bedroom door and walking over to the bed to sit next Harry.

"Well, I had to" Harry replied "I had to tell you this in person"

Oh boy, here it comes: The great rejection Zayn thought.

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