The Nightmare

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Darkness it surrounds me that's all I can see. I feel I'm falling slowly yet I not moving at all. It's almost like a warm yet cool embrace. I feel sleepy yet I'm not tired. It's almost... calming, worry free, and it's like all my problems could slip away. There was an evil chuckle. I didn't recognize the voice. The calming feeling was soon replaced by fear, the tiredness was gone, I was fully aware of my surroundings. I was back in that god forsaken room with the alter but someone was with me. The man looked amused sitting on the altar about seven blocks away, his legs crossed and had a devilish smirk on his face. I got a really bad vibe for him. I went to reach for my sword only to grab air. I looked back I didn't see the hilt. "Looking for this?" I looked back at him he was standing and had my sword in his hands and snaps it in half like a twig and tosses the halves to the other side of the room. I looked at him in shock and slight fear. "Who and what are you?" His smirk turned into a frown. "Why the same as you my dear. Only much more powerful." he said with his smirk returning. The room shakes a little bit he seemed a bit ticked off. "Idiots." He hissed then went back to a cheerful voice. "I've heard so much about you. Seaport, the squids, the apprentices, your Skylord title, and your family. I will say it is quite an honored meeting the descendent of both King Arnold the Great and Powerful and The Legendary Black Knight." "How do you know all about that?!" "Oh wait where are my manners I forgot got to give my name. It's Ethan of Wykeham." "No it... it can't be your... your... you're the monster the wiped out 15 kingdoms in three days but Notch got rid of you. He... he... Why are you not died?!" He scowled at the mention of Notch. "You know it's not nice to call people monsters. You should know that by now. But I see you have heard of me well let me explain after my accident (that's what all Artificial Demigods refer to when they got there powers). I asked for help every single day for three years to that... that... that bastard of a god you call Notch didn't help me and slowly I started to lose my battle to keep my sanity but I couldn't control the Insanity everyone refused to help yet they pitied me say 'I wish I could help' while others called me 'freak' or 'monster'. You of all people will understand how I felt. So I killed them. I killed them all and I will say it was very fun and very entertaining watching them beg for their lives like I did to them years before. Steve showed up and tried to talk me out of what I was doing 'before it was too late' he claimed to love me like a brother and that he couldn't do," That made me look down and think of one of my wards that I had years ago named Nick. He was the closes thing I ever had for a son he became misguided that I couldn't bring myself to end him. "but that made him weak so I tried to kill," I looked back up in horror, "but Herobrine stepped in and we fought for a very long time I was about ready to finish him but that's when that bastard came to me he was furious. I didn't beg for mercy I stopped doing that years before. I told him he brought this down on himself. What a complete waste of his time I was. He calmed he was sorry and tried to apologized. He claimed he loved me like a son. We fought for a bit I was stronger than him I was about to finish him off when his idiotic brother came back along with Steve so I fought them and was about to end them all when that he banished me to the End the fucking bastard even did a fake tear show. After that I realized what I had done but it was too late. I was all alone. The only thing there is darkness so over time I fought for the last bit of sanity I had left. For so long I prayed for help I stayed strong for so long but once I realized I was never leaving and no one is coming for me. I didn't care anymore. I lost everything because of that accident so I let the insanity take over and let it run it's course. As people came and went I fed off of fear, rage, sadness, and insanity that's how I became even stronger but enough about me."" he said as he was talking he pulled out a dagger. I looked at it in shock it was The Dagger of the Lamb and he started to play with it. " You know a lot of people try to take on the dragon and every once in awhile someone would talk about you. About how great who are or how you gave them a second chance or just a flat out bitch-" then he noticed I wasn't looking at him anymore I was looking at the dagger. "Oh I see you recognize this little thing. I guess it does belong to you after all you are the lamb." He said raising the dagger by the tip of the blade. "Now it's time to go little lamb why don't you go run back to your friends. And don't worry about me my dear we'll being seeing each other very soon." I blink and he was right in front of me and plunged the dagger into my chest. As I fell I could hear him laughing like a madman then I hit the floor.  

  This is when I woke up. 

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