Arriving at Mistral

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Wither POV

As we pack up our stuff I hear a familiar voice as someone walks onto JoJo's ship. Only one man would be a pain in the neck and see what's going on, that would be Skylord Jasper. He walks up to us and starts yelling, "Who are you people what are you doing here?" I wave at Jasper and he see's me and walks back in fear. Everyone has a confused look on their face but then Kyle steps up and starts talking to Jasper. I sense JoJo is finally awake I can sense her moving downstairs. It's good to know she's doing ok. I walk up to Jasper and give him a glare and he walks backwards in fear. Then I go grab my stuff, I look at Noah then he looks back, nods, and then comes over to me and we walk off the ship. I drag him to the side and say, "There's about to be a little throwing out, no matter what don't go over to JoJo or Kelly." Noah looks at me with confusion and says, "What? I don't see anyone?" I point to Kelly being surrounded by three men. Noah looks over and leans back onto the wall, "Why can't we help? We can easily take those 3, they're nothing to us." I lean on the wall with him, "JoJo can handle it, she's about to walk over there and those men are going to yell and try and hurt her. But Jasper is then going to end up stepping in and stopping it." Noah looks at me curious and in shock, "How do you know this?" I shrug and rub the back of my head, "I don't really know, but JoJo is going to get stabbed, not only that but we're going to run into a few familiar friends about 20 minutes after we get to Granny_Bacon's place. So let's just head over there now." Noah shrugs and we start walking over to Granny_Bacons. As we're walking I see a familiar face, it's Father_Braeburn! I get his attention by waving my arm and saying hi and we quickly runs over to Noah and I. He looks at me and says, "Well, well, well, look who showed up! It's been quite some time Mr. M." I sigh and say, "I told you not to call me that, that was a long time ago Father." He laughs and pats my shoulder, "Good times are good times am I right friend!? You really knew what you were doing, you were the best in Minecraftia and you probably still are!" I laugh too, "Haha those were the good old times huh? Yeah I still practice to this day but I have no reason to do it anymore. So how is the church Father?" He points at the Church of the Holy Apple and says, "It's been the same since you built it, you went through a lot of work to get that apple! But it feel like it's time to give it a change you know?" I stare at the building, "Yes it's been a very long time change is needed, well I gotta so see Granny, I owe her a visit it's been way too long. News of me arriving to the city I helped build spreads really quickly!" Noah is just sitting there with his jaw dropped. I look at him and close his mouth. He looks at me in shock, "How did you- when did you- wha- how- why-?" I quickly start running towards Granny's shop, "Come on let's go see Granny!" Noah hurries and follows me into the shop. As soon as we walk in Granny smiles and says, "Wither deary it's been so long! How have you been? Are you ok? You haven't changed a bit!" I smile back, "Hi Granny! I've been ok so far a little patches here and there but it's been alright. Well you know I never change haha!" She tells Noah and I to go sit in a booth and relax, until JoJo and Kelly arrived. Then Noah and I made sure they were both ok and we sat there and ordered some breakfast but then 15 minutes later the door to the shop opened....

Jojo POV

I shot straight up gasping for breath my right hand over my chest. The center of my chest burns. I looked down I wasn't wear my jacket I was wearing my tank top (I still had my pants on) but underneath it I was covered in bandages. I look around I was on my ship sitting on my bed no one was in the room with me. My jacket and shirt were on the my personal chest. After I catch my breath I flop back down on my bed trying to process everything that has happen with Seaport and Ethan. We must have docked in Mistral because I can hear Kyle talking to Jasper on the deck of my ship about not knowing where my papers were. Yes I know Jasper and he knows me. He was my main supplier of wood, while I sold it or built the airships, and I would send Kyle to do the business because I couldn't leave Seaport. We were very close business partners even though we never met in person. He knows the reason why I couldn't leave Seaport and understands but he probably didn't know I am a Skylord one kyle never mention it to him (I don't know why) and two the only Skylord I ever met was Baako who also knew the reason why I couldn't leave Seaport and made a personal trial just for me. I go to stand up and about fell down but kept my balance. I take a couple of steps and lower myself to the floor and left a couple of floorboards that was hiding a chest. While I was left up one of the floorboards there was a flash of pain in my wrist causing me to drop the board. The talking outside stopped and they came inside to see if I was ok. Kyle and Jasper came in as I was opening a hidden chest. Kyle let out a disappointing sigh "I didn't think to check there." I pull out three books 'Jojo's official papers' 'Permit and documentation for The Majesty' and 'Jojo's Skylord license' signed by Skylord Baako. As I pulled them out I handed them to Jasper. "I believe everything you need should be in there." I said as he looked them over.

Kyle POV

Jasper was looking over the paper. "Kyle how long was I out?" "Two weeks." I thought everything was going well until he pause on one of the pages then quickly looked through the other books then looked up at Jojo. "These date back to 150 years ago?!" "I'm older than I look." She just stated blankly. Then we heard Kelly from below yell "Leave me alone!"

Jojo POV

After getting my books back I just walked out onto the deck it was still dark outside looks the sun'll be rising soon and just stepped off the deck taking a short cut. Kelly was being surround by three men. There was a little thud when I land. They still didn't notice me. "Where's your little Skybitch at you fuckin whore!" I whistle to get their attention and it worked. Now they're circling me which I'm ok with as long as it's just to me and not other people. They take notice that I'm covered in bandages that I didn't know till now. My right wrist was wrapped, there was a bandage over my pants where the piece of glass was, you could see the top of the bandages on my back (I haven't put my jacket back on yet), my left shoulder was wrapped along with the arm to the elbow, a bandage on my neck covering half of my neck, my right ring figure was tapped to the pinky, three butterfly bandages closing a gash over my left eyebrow, and a bandage on my right cheek taking up the area. I probably had bruises on my left side of my face maybe even a black eye. One of the guys notice and realized of injured I was judging by the look on his face he must have been thinking about why she was injured this badly but then smiled thinking I got what I deserve while his friends didn't give it a second thought were up in my face screaming stuff I heard all before. When it comes to this harassment I got thick skin so I'm use to it. I'm just standing there with a blank expression holding my hands my back while the leader of the group screaming profanities while the other stood behind me one block behind me with his arms crossed making sure I don't run away which I didn't care it's not like place to run to. "You fuckin bitch why did you run away? Could you not handle us anymore? Why did you close Seaport you fuckin bitch! Don't you know all of our villages rely on it?" with that he backed handed me in the face. He notice he was starting to gather a crowd thinking they will side with him but in reality they were concerned about me because would you side with someone who backhanded someone who looks like they are badly injured and looks like they've been through hell. One person was sent to find the city guard. Thinking they were one his side he punched me earning a gasp from the crowd thinking he brave he was for putting me in my place but in reality the thought him and his friends are monsters. I took my hand and wiped the spit from under my eye. "You know who spit when you talk." He gave me another punch to the face at this time Kyle and Jasper and Kyle made their way over because they had to take the stairs. "You know you should do more do more research before accusing people of things or do I have to remind you the the 15 missing children's case." I said earning myself another punch "Shut up you fuckin whore!" "You're just another power hungry slut!" I got another punch. "Whatcha going to do now Skybitch." Now the three men really surrounded me. Almost in a flash the second guy's fist made contact with my face. The third guy tried to punch me again but this time I caught it. I second guy took out a small dagger or steak knife and embedded it into the back of the left shoulder where it was still bandaged but it only tightened my grip braking his hand. His friends went into a full alert and were about to start (attempting) to beat me up. "ENOUGH!" a voice boomed before they could and we all looked over at the source. It was Jasper he looked pissed because one no one comes into his home town to harass and attempt to kill refugees. While Jasper gave them hell to pay and heavily fined them and a couple of guards were with him to escort them out. I sat down Kelly ran over and kneeled to look at the wound she gripped the knife. "Ready?" she asked ready to pull it out. Kyle and Father Braeburn clears out the square. I look at Kelly my eyes were gold. She sighs in relief she knows I'll be able to heal from this rather quickly. She takes a bottle of water and gently pours it on the open wound. Then re-wraps the shoulder with fresh bandages. Granny_Bacon made us go into the shop and made me sit at a table and gave me a ice pack. Kyle handed me my jacket which I put on my shoulder while my right hand held the ice pack in places. I was listening to Granny tell stories about her shop, her grandkids, we talk about a good 15 minutes before the door open to reveal...  

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