Her Butler, Exploring

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  Malancia awoke, stretching her arms. She had not actually slept in a long time, it was considered a leisure activity for demons since it was not necessary for them to do so. But the previous night had exhausted her so. She found herself in the azure room alone, the only remnants of the night before being the sweaty sheets and Claude's jacket, which he gave her to cuddle once he left to care for the children. He had lain with her all night, an arm wrapped around her nimble figure as she rested her head on his chest. Look at him,cuddling. It was most unlike a demon to show and feel affection, but here he was, holding this woman in his arms, and liking it. Alois was never an early riser, and the night before had been late for everyone, so when he walked in to rise the young master, he was surprised to find both children already awake. Alois had a box of blocks out, both were experimenting with different towers.
"You're late, Claude." Teased Alois
"I am never late, Your Highness. It is precisely nine a.m." He reminds. Alois huffs as Claude places the silver tray on the mahogany nightstand.
"Your butler smells like Malancia's perfume. It's disgusting." Commented Abelia.
"You know what that means. Your butler's a whore!" giggled Alois.
"So are you." Shot back Abelia, crossing her arms. Claude listened to the exchange, holding his tongue as he was accustomed to as he picked out his master's clothes for the day.
"Whatever, just get out so I can get dressed." He demanded. Abelia sprinted out as Claude began to dress him.
"Did you get laid yet?" asked an impatient Alois. Claude did not convey any emotion; a stoic man he was.
"Not exactly, your highness."
"Who's that other plate for?"
"The butler, Malancia." Alois' thin lips curled upward into a sneer.
"Poor Claude, you don't know!" he laughed.
"Know what, your highness?"
"I'm not telling!" He snickered, unbuttoning his shirt once more. Claude sighed, another long day. Malancia was about to rise, when a knock echoed through the room. She looks up, as the door opens.
"Good morning, my lady." Greets Claude.
"Good morning." She smooths out the wrinkles in her dress as he serves her. Once she sees the food, it hits her. He didn't know. She hadn't exactly made it obvious, she had slept after all. But demons didn't eat normal food. So he must not know she was one. Had he not seen her mark on her calf? It then occurred to her, he certainly wasn't looking at her calf last night. She felt a bit embarrassed, would he even still be interested if he knew?
"You look concerned." He notices. He sets down the tray and wraps an arm around her waist, other hand caressing her jaw. He uses one finger to tilt her chin upwards, so he can look into her eyes. She was relatively tall for a woman but the man still towered above her. She almost swooned at his touch, something about this man got to her. Was it his honey colored eyes, sweet yet harsh at the same time? His apathetic nature? Or was it the deep rumbling voice, soft yet stern? She loved all these things and more, and she hated to admit it, but this snake demon had been ensnared in the spider demons web. "What troubles you?"
"Nothing." She lied, deciding to keep her dirty little secret for now. Maybe once he got to know her, it wouldn't even be an issue. She leans in and presses their lips together, feeling warmth surge through her cold body. His lips felt like home already. She hated this, how easily she got attached.
"CLAUDE!" screamed Alois. Claude separates them with a string of saliva, he smirks at how starry eyed she was. He then parts with her to serve his master. She sighs, closing the door behind him. She was no stranger to love, but this different than all the other heartbreaks. Mortal men were transient, so evanescent, perhaps a demon would be different. She locked the door behind her and slipped out of her dress, leaving her in just her bloomers and corset. She turned on the shower, letting it warm up for a while. Demons did not technically need to bathe, but she enjoyed the feel of it. She undressed and slipped in, letting the hot water roll down her pale skin. Anyone else would cringe at the temperature but demons didn't quite mind pain like humans did. Her hair was heavy with the water, and after a while of sitting, she got out and dried herself. She exited the bathroom in a sky colored towel, to find Claude on the edge of the bed. He wasn't exactly knitting, or crocheting but he was designing and making a dress.
"I'll be done in a moment." He assures her, pushing his spectacles up and smirking; she looked good in nothing but a towel. She strategically hides her mark, and slips on a pair of panties and a corset. He helps her lace it up, pulling tightly and slowly fastening it, all while placing light kisses along her neck. She smiles, he was not so cold around her, there was a light in his eyes. A light that she had never seen before. Was it purely lust? She could not tell. "Finished." He announced, holding up the dress; it is beautiful, crimson with patches of ebony, flowing down to the floor.
"It's beautiful." She acknowledges. His thin lips spread into a small smile.
"I noticed you didn't have any other clothes."
"Yes, I didn't plan on spending the night here."
"But aren't you pleased you did?" He wraps an arm around her waist
"Of course." He laces up the back of her dress for her, it fits her figure perfectly. He takes her hair and pushes it to the side, leaving her neck exposed. His lips brush against the sensitive skin, then she feels a warm wet feeling as he drags his long tongue across her neck. A small moan escapes her. He runs his hands through her celeste hair, grabbing a comb and brushing her hair, being as gentle as possible. She sighs, he untangles her hair with ease. He pulls her into his lap and begins to separates her hair into three separate pieces and begins to braid her hair.
"How do you know how to do this?"
"A butler must always be prepared." He finishes, tying a hair tie around the end of the French braid. "We're going out today, my lady." He informs her.
"We're? Where to?"
"My master wishes to take yours on a walk through the woods, to search for some bluebells." She pulls on her flats, and stands back up.
"Sounds nice, let's go!" she smiles.
* * *
It smells of rain and years, life and death, sunshine and clouds. The ground is squishy beneath their feet from the prior night's storm. Sun glitters down, warming Abelia's flesh. Malancia takes in the sight, the blossoming plant life, the tall chlorochrous trees. She lifts her dress and plops herself down just outside the trees while Abelia and Alois delve into the forest, laughing together. Claude takes the seat next to her, but not before wiping it off with a spare handkerchief. She sits with little space between them, awkwardly quiet. She felt this overwhelming feeling in his presence, something she'd noticed since the day they stood beside each other while their masters introduced each other. His presence was all encompassing, if she stood too long she was bound to be trapped. She felt content with him. So without regret, she snatched up his hand. He stares at his own gloved hand in the hand of the raven nailed woman. This was something that did not come to mot demons with ease. But Malancia had been around long enough to burst past the demon stereotype. She slips off his glove, despite the fact they were technically in public and intertwines their fingers. He waits a while, then responds, giving her hand a slight squeeze. She rests her head on his shoulder, perfectly happy at this moment. The day is warm, birds are chirping. Even Claude must admit; this woman had enamored him.
"Shall we go find the children?" he inquires.
"We probably should, but I'd rather leave the little brats." She confesses
"That would be desirable."
"She's a little shit head." Muttered Malancia; Claude chuckles.
"I'd wager I have it worse."
"Would you now?"
"Yes, he poked the maid's eye out the other day for looking directly at him."
"She told me to change my voice because mine was too annoying."
"I enjoy your voice; he unbuttons every button on his damn shirt."
"She threw a vase at me."
"Did you catch it?"
"Yes, and with grace. If I didn't it would be my ass."
"CLAUDE!" Both demons sigh as their masters summon them. Malancia stands up and dusts herself off, both get up with leisure. Walking through the forest was relaxing, there was a variety of prospering flowers, all of varying colors. They tread through the tall grass until they find a long, stretching, gravel path. Still hand in hand, they follow it. Malancia loved nature, there was overgrown ferns and flocks of birds everywhere they turned. A small green toad hopped in front of them, and eventually they reach a clearing. It is large, vacant and filled with life. Abelia swings her legs from a low hanging branch, while Alois fills his hands with bluebells, which were clearly in surplus in this area. Malancia smiles genuinely; she was holding hands with a handsome man while her master played in such a lovely place. Alois runs up to Claude and shoves the flowers in his grasp.
"Hold these! Give a flower to your girlfriend too?" Claude blinked; girlfriend? He had been planning on it anyways, but the word girlfriend felt foreign to him. He whips out a blue spider lily, one his master had had imported specifically for his garden. It matched the shade of blue of Malancia's hair. She blushes slightly as he places sit behind her ear.
"Perfect." He recognizes. "Malancia." She loved the way he said her name so sweetly, as If he were encompassing it. "What are we?" She pauses, had he figured it out? She knew very well what he was, but did he know what she was? It was then the question clicked.
"Lovers?" she offered. He smirks a bit, wrapping an arm around her. It is then Malancia notices Abelia, about to smash a spider into oblivion. She gasps and is there in seconds. Claude stares for a moment, how had a human woman moved so fast? She picks up the spider and lets it crawl around on her arm.
"Why would you do that? It's just an ugly old spider!"
"Because my lady, all life is precious." She explains simply.
"Even humans?" scoffed Abelia.
"Especially humans." She lets the spider crawl upward, up the branches and out of the girl's reach. She walks back and wraps an arm around Claude's waist.
"Do you really value all life?"
"More than I should really. I respect those that live a good life. I used to work in a hospital, you know. I delivered this little brat." She gestures over her shoulder toward Abelia, who sung her feet innocently. She smiles again, showing perfect white teeth and plays with the lily in her hair. He leans in and their lips brush, gently at first then again, he feels the same tingles in his skin, the same fireworks as when they kissed. Her lips were warm and full, she kissed back with passion. Abelia runs over to Alois and puts a flower crown she had made atop his flaxen head.
"Our butlers are in looooveeee!" sang Abelia and Alois. Claude's eyes snap open; who had said anything about love?  

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