Her Butler, Deathly

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Maintain your composure

Abelia skipped off with Alois.

"Oi! I wanted to hear that!" Complained Alois.

"Who says we weren't going to listen in?" Once they have climbed the thick wooden stairs, they soften their footsteps and crawl behind a large pillar, listening in. Knowing his young master, Claude chose his words carefully, and as usual masqueraded his emotions.

"What is it that afflicts you, my lady?" Malancia turned a shade of cream, and for a moment Claude believed she may be sick again. She bit her glossed lip, then with glistening eyes whispered.

"I'm pregnant." For a moment this façade crumbled, and Claude was ready to lose it. It was as if the sky was falling. He wanted to leave, never come back. He wanted to lash out. He wanted to sweep her up in his arms. But most of all he wondered


"Well shit, Claude it's the 1800s, how effective do you think they are?" She questioned. " Also, it is possible one may have broke and we didn't notice." She added as an afterthought. Claude was doing his best to keep his composure. He was talented at a lot of things, he was also one hell of a butler. But one lust filled night had led him to this. And now he had no clue what to do. She was staring up at him with wide scarlet eyes, questioning what he would do.

"I'm keeping it." She announced abruptly.

Conceal your emotion

Claude's eyes almost widen behind his spectacles. The thought had not even occurred to him. Malancia suddenly grasps the table fiercely, then as if rendering defeat, runs away. He is baffled for a moment, before the dots start to connect. Sickness was a common trend among pregnant women, a demon would be no exception. He follows her, to find her retching in the bathroom. Without thinking, he moves to her, and gently pulls her hair back. The azure stands are soft in his hand, the shock of parenthood has not yet registered within him. Breath ragged, sweat dripping, she reemerges. Well aware of how unappealing she is at the moment, she worries she may be doing this alone. The thought frightens her, the crying and diapers alone? But Claude, well aware of how difficult the upcoming months, no, not just months, even years would be, levels himself to her height. He looks into her crimson eyes, and places a light kiss on her cheek.

Repress your impulses

"Come, you should relax, and rest, my lady." a fresh wave of worry bursts forth, he had not acknowledged their predicament in the slightest. Malancia attempts to stand on wobbly knees, only to nearly fall. In response, Claude sweeps her up into his arms and carries her with ease to the closest guest room. He lowered her down to the bed, and then she realizes this was a new room. The sheets were heavy and violet, complemented with mauve dressers. The carpet and lamps glow a crimson. The color combination is unique, not quite typical, but beautiful all the same. The wall behind her has a raven criss cross pattern, the cinereal walls plastered with pictures. A small chandelier glows in the middle, jewelry adorns one of the dressers; she wonders who it belongs to.

Maintain your composure

"Whose room is this?"

"Ours." Her scarlet eyes become wider. Upon closer examination, she realized these were pictures of them. Holding hands at the beach, dressed up before the ballet, walking through the woods. "I think you should stay here more often."

"But my duties at the Pavuli manor..."

"Will be attended to during the day. But the nights belong to us, my dear." She notices the wide glass vase, with perfectly picked pink pearl roses.

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