Charecter Profile:
Name: Phoenix or..........?
Year: 2
House: wait and see...
Personality: Cheeky, prankster, make you smile kinda girl. Not upset easily, don't show emtion unless it's happiness.
Dislike: Slytherins, DRACO MALFOY! JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER! Annoying prats! Lairs! Cheaters! Bad people! being locked up!
Likes: Harry, Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, weasley twins, seamus, ginny, dean, other gryffindor, hogwarts, fun, happiness.
Normal POV:
A twelve year old girl with bright flaming red hair and shocking green eyes was sat in a dark dangy office. A evil looking lady beside her. The girl was shaking, probably with nerves. A man was coming to see her. To adopted her or foster. The lady looked glad to see the girl go. Ever since the girl's last foster parents locked her in the cellar and ended up breaking her ribs, she been dumped in a kids home. They hated her there she was the freak, they wanted her dead. If a man came and took her away for good, then PARTY! The girl was called Phoenix. She had spent her life balancing from this care home to abuses families. She had no idea what a normal life was like. She had never really seen the outside world, ever. She'd seen it from a car window and from windows indoors and she'd be outside occasionally on the quick trip from the door to the car, or a garden. That was it. She didn't know any better. She'd seen families, she'd served families, but not once had she had a family. She was expecting this man to be the usual abusive and angry man. Well that was until he walked in.
Phoenix POV:
I was sat in a manky old chair when the door opened, a old man with a long grey beard walked in he was wearing strange clothes. I was pretty damn shocked. There was a look in his eyes that I've never seen before. I could be kindness. Who knows, never seen that.
Dumbledore's POV:
I opened the old door caustionally. I didn't want to scare the poor child. When I walked in I stopped dead in my tracks. There infront of me was Lily Evans, the young 12 year old Lily Evans. She looked just like her mum. Almost like a ghost, of course she wasn't. It was sad to see she had never seen real daylight, never no love, never no happiness. She would of had all that, if it wasn't for Voldermort. I feel sorry for the poor girl. Phoenix that what her name was, or so she thought.

Could it be you? (Harry Potter twin fanfic)
FanfictionPhoenix! That's my name, just Phoenix. I've never had a last name. No point in one. All the foster families hate me, I'm there slave I get beaten often and have been attempted murdered. Well.. that was until that day, when The old man came. Phoenix...