Phoenix's POV:
I was walling out of the great hall after the feast, I had left early to look for Hermione. I turned the corridor and found a flooded hall. Hermione, Ron and Harry were just arriving to we all stopped dead in our tracks when we saw blood on the wall. It read...
The chamber of secrets has been opened, enmies of the heir beware.
I walked over to the others, scared stiff but stopped halfway to see Mrs Norris, hanging looking very dead Harry step forward so he was next to me. Both of us exzaming the cat. We heard noise I was about to step back but the crowd saw me, they saw us. All stopped and gasped when reading what the wall said. Malfoy spat out what it said then warned the 'mudbloods' Scumy Twat! Flitch came running along yelling then spotted his beloved cat. Instanly he blamed Harry then he saw me and I was bad to? Dumbledore came looking worried then glanced at us.
"everyone back to your dormitarys, except you 4"
he pointed at us. O h sh-it!

Could it be you? (Harry Potter twin fanfic)
FanficPhoenix! That's my name, just Phoenix. I've never had a last name. No point in one. All the foster families hate me, I'm there slave I get beaten often and have been attempted murdered. Well.. that was until that day, when The old man came. Phoenix...