Over The Fence

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         She stood there, on the hoisted—elevated steps, watching her sister through the frosty metal door window. Caitlyn turned to her, her sisters' eyes lifeless while mouthing out the words, "I'm sorry." Alexandra jumped back feeling shaken; so unsure of what she meant. Caitlyn closed her eyes and Alexandra peered at her, hoping that she would keep her promise that she would stay with her. But as the saying goes, promises are meant to be broken.

          A dim colour glowed from her, no not green; but red. Tears filled Alexandra's eyes and her callous teardrops fell as she skimmed down to sit on the top level paved stair. She gripped on the rigid bolster that she was situated on. All the emotions kept rushing in. Her heart was slowly tearing up to pieces and she couldn't do anything about it. She was now alone; on her own, her mother, dead. Her father, a part of the dark side, and her sister, betrayed her for her own undertaking. Where was she supposed to go now? There was nothing left for her. No protection, no love, all regret.

She tried to pull herself together; thinking of ways on how she could still endure. What do I still have left in me? Where is my hope now?

The tears kept falling even if she wanted it to stop. She couldn't look back up and see the disappointment in her father's eyes and feel the betrayal that her sister had served her.

          She leered at her surroundings and saw teenagers, who were the same age as she was—16. She wasn't the only one who felt so alone; but she had nowhere else to go. Maybe these people, they had families, they had hope. And Alexandra, she had none.​​

She noticed that her tears had dried out and she could finally breathe. She tried standing up but she couldn't. All of a sudden a hand grabbed her by the wrists. She retorted feeling vulnerable. Her legs sprang to life and she leaped up, pushing the stranger off the flight of steps.

"I was trying to help!" He bellowed, his arms retracted down to lift his upper body up.

          Alexandra rolled her eyes ignoring him and she sat back down on the comforting cold stairs. She had no care to reply and not a single energy left in her. Trust no one, she remembered. Even though she wouldn't be with her father anymore, his wise words would keep her alive. And even though Caitlyn had betrayed her, she had to stay strong.

She felt a commotion beside her. It was the guy; he was now sitting down beside her left. The metal doors stayed open and the rejects were swarming down in between them.

          "Listen to me. We have to go." He said. This time, she decided to face him. He was wearing a grey short sleeved coverall jumpsuit. It wasn't much, but he didn't need to dress up nicely. His face did all the styling for him.​​​​​"We? I barely know you." She replied with a great deal of bothersome and repugnance in her voice.

          He sighed, "Everyone here is just like you...alone. But we all have to survive, for Annex. We have to keep the place going."​​​​​​​ She shook her head with a little snigger. "Not to be a little hypocritical, but coming here to survive for Annex? To go to Terran so we can keep Annex going? I mean that doesn't make sense!"

He retorted, "Fine, then we must survive for one another. I know going here was betraying Annex but don't you think its fate that you got rejected? Maybe it's a sign that you're meant to stay in Annex."

She shifted, "Maybe it's a sign that I'm a failure." She paused and thought about what he just mentioned, "You? Didn't you get rejected?"

He stood up with his chest out,"No, we're here to help rejects like you." The words pierced through her heart. She didn't know if she was supposed to be thankful or insulted. "We?Who's we?"

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