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The alarm goes off at seven-thirty in the morning and turning it off, I lazily roll out of my bed. If it had been any another day then my I'd-sleep-for-only-five-more-minutes struggle would be on but since my younger sister, Jennifer is visiting me for a week I have to be at the airport at eight-thirty to pick her up. Big sister responsibility time. Also, she would kill me if I don't.

In about fifteen minutes I brush, take a shower and get dressed. Tying my hair into a high ponytail I make my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

It was seven-fifty by the time I left my apartment. I wasn't late, it only takes fifteen to twenty minutes to reach the airport.

The wind was cool against my face and backstreet boys were playing on the radio. All of a sudden, my encounter with the boy in the cafe came to my kind. The way he acted after he saw my face, it was as if he knew me. And if he did why would he just run away? Maybe I reminded him of someone or maybe he's just crazy. But why am I bothering myself so much over him? That was probably the first and the last time I was seeing him but the main problem here was that he left his little pocket diary behind while leaving the café in a rush.

I put my hand in my jeans pocket and took out the little diary. Yesterday I didn't try to read it since it looked like something personal, I even stayed up late in the café just in case the man comes back to take his possession. But he did not.

Sighing, I slipped the little thing back into my pocket and parked the car in the parking area of the airport. My watch showed the time eight-ten. I was early. The landing time of her flight was eight-thirty and it'd take her at least ten minutes to collect her baggage. I have to probably wait for thirty minutes straight. How boring.

I made my way to the exit of the airport and then made myself comfortable in one of the benches nearby. For ten minutes I kept observing different types of people exiting and the types of people who came to receive them, judging everyone. Eventually I got bored of it and in the end the only thing that was left to do was.. nothing.

I was mad at Jen for being late but it wasn't really her fault. But it's not like I'm not going to blame her for the delayed flight. I will. I so will.

In that moment of utter boredom the most tempting thing in the world was that little diary. Looking at my surroundings I slowly took out the diary, as careful as ever, as if I was taking out a grenade. I felt like a thief for I was stealing a glance at someone's private thoughts. It wasn't fair but in the first place it was his fault to leave his personal belongings in a public space. Well, wasn't it?

The diary was covered with a black leathery material, the corners ripped. It seemed as if the person has been using it since centuries. The diary was in a sorry state but never judge a book by its cover, you may not know what's inside. That's what they say.

I skim through the first few pages which were completely blank until I land on what happened to be the fifth or sixth page.

The days pass by, my breath shallow.
There's so much to lose but yet nothing at all.

The page read. I tried to decipher the meaning but eventually I give up. My eyes find another one,

The bell rings and there's a call
Would that be all?

I furrow my eyebrows, stressing my brain into trying to get the lines but I could not. This was more confusing than the first one. What was up with this boy? Before I could jump to another page I hear Jennifer's voice calling out for me.

"Hey!" Quickly slipping the little diary into the my pocket I grin back and envelop her into a warm embrace.

"It's been ages." She says as she smiles. Her eyes had bags under them, her blonde hair was a little bit messy and she sounded tired. It sure was a tiring flight for her.

"So you miss me now. Told you you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." I chuckle as I say the last line in a sing song voice.

"Shut up and let's go home. I'm tired and sleepy and hungry." She complains as she takes a step forward leaving her luggage back for me to carry. My little sister is back or should I say my little, annoying as well as cocky sister is back.

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh loud enough for her to hear as I put her luggage in the trunk.

The drive to home is quite as Jennifer is busy sleeping on the car seat after her seven hour flight. My mind goes back to the lines I read in that weird boy's diary.

I don't know what that could mean or whether it meant anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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