The Foreign Exchange Student-2

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Louis didn't want to wake up today. He had one of those lazy days on which you don't wanna do anything but lay in bed all day and sleep and today was one of those days. Sure, he was an insomniac but he rarely had these type of days eversince the incident but after so many years he finally felt comfort, happiness and contentment and he didn't want it to end so soon but alas Harry was getting rather tired of Louis not wanting to wake up.

This irritated Louis a bit. Yeah yeah, Harry had no idea about Louis' insomnia but he should atleast care about Louis' comfort rather than his boredom. Ok Louis is being childish and stupid but isn't that who he is?

You're also pathetic!

'I know...' he sighed.

"Two more minutes 'Arry? Pleeeeaassee?" Louis whined with his eyes closed.

"No princess I've been trying to wake you up for the last two hours! C'mon Lou!! Don't be so difficult!" Harry sighed.

"Urghh! Fiiine!" Louis got up and rubbed his eyes with balled up fists making Harry want to Coo at his cuteness but not actually giving into it.

Harry still didn't think it was a good idea for his Mum to invite Lou to live with them because he was still a stranger, a cute stranger but a stranger nonetheless, and could harm his slightly dysfunctional family. He cared dearly about his family besides he had the right to have suspicions for Louis since he was so secretive and acted quite out.

"What time is it?" Louis asked Harry while yawning cutely and this time Harry had to bite the inside of his cheeks to stop himself from melting at the sight infront of him.

"12:35 in the morning", Harry said with a completely emotionless expression on his face which turned into a curious one as soon as he saw Louis' eyes go wide and he scrambled off of Harry's bed muttering swears under his breath.

"What's wrong princess?"

"Fuck-I'm late! She's gonna be so mad!! Fuckfuckfuck!" Louis chanted.

"Whose gonna be mad? Louis listen to me! Whose gonna be mad at you?" Harry held Louis tightly while looking directly into Louis' eyes.

"I...Um...It's..Ummm..My...Aunt..." Louis said it like when you slightly dip your toe into water before swimming to check it's temperature.

"You aunt?" Harry raised his eyebrow at Louis as if challenging him.

"I.. yeah!" Louis awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Actually I was supposed to call 'er today at 11 sharp. She's like really punctual so she doesn't like me being tardy." Louis gave Harry a reassuring smile and got out of Harry's grip and quietly left Harry's room.

"Well isn't that peculiar!" Harry sighs.


The next time Louis met Harry again that day was in a very awkward situation.

So let's just say the whole Sunday went quite good for all of the people in the Styles/Twist household. They'd eaten dinner and everyone went to their respective room, a bit of a disappointment on Louis' part since he was hoping Harry'd invite him to another sleepover(?)(is that was it's supposed to be called) but Harry seemed quite tired of Louis already and didn't even acknowledge his existence the whole day which ok, did hurt Louis alot but it isn't like he wasn't expecting it already cause who'd want anything to do with the pathetic piece of shit he is!

Damn right you are!

He sighs as he lays down on his bed beside Roby's, who turns off the light and lays down on his.

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