│10. TEXT

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love of my life ❤🔥

i miss you

and you're probably sleeping rn hugging my jacket bc why not

but i can't sleep bc jetlag so i thought you should know that i miss you

surprise bitch

i'm awake

and ofc i am with your jacket 💕

love of my life ❤🔥

i can't say if you're being sarcastic or not

you'll never know 😏

wait why is it your name love of my life on my phone?

biggest dork 🔥


are you ignoring the i miss you text?

i mean it was a pretty cute text

from the loyl 💕

1. i just changed it to "biggest dork 🔥"

2. i miss you too actually 😌

biggest dork 🔥

that would had been cute if it wasn't for the actually :')

no... it would had been very bitchy like "i miss you too"

where's the emotion in that?

biggest dork 🔥

you're probably right

i'm always right

one of many reasons why you like me

biggest dork 🔥

the last text is right but i must say you're wrong sometimes

like when you say in your videos that you look awful in the morning. when you say you look much better after you've done your make-up... you are so not right in those moments... god if you could see yourself the way i do, you would see the most beautiful girl even without any make-up on.
and then you say you are self-conscious about being who you are and that you hate some random bits about yourself but you are ao special the way you are. believe me when i say that i'll make sure to let you know that every single day.

in all those moments you're wrong even if you don't see it yet... but i can't send you this. and i can't be the one to let you know this bc you're not mine but god how i wish you were


you'll never know...

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