Behind Bars

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Hey Guys ! Thanks Sooo Much For Readinq My Book ! Yeah, iiM New To This So 150 Reads Is A Biq Deal To Me :) :) ! Anyways, Im Makinq A Chanqe In This Chapter Of 'Behind Bars' . Im Startinq Off In Carmello's POV && Switchinq It Around . Try Not To Get Confused Alriqht ??

Okay, Here's Chapter 21 .


Chapter 21 .

Carmello's POV .

She Hasnt Text Me, Called Me, Or Looked At Me Since That Niqht . I've Been Dumbfounded && Sort Of Depressed & iiStill Dont Know What To Do .

I've Tried Everythinq To Get Her Attention && Nothinq Has Worked So When She Walked In Class, iiKnew This Was My Last Attempt && Plus, iiSaw Her Steal A Glance At Me... It Looked Liked She Blushed A Little Too ! That Had To Be A Good Thinq !

iiDidnt Think She Would Talk To Me, But She Did; iiDidnt Think She Would Text Me Back Either But She Did That Too ! iiSwear My Heart Jumped Out Of My Chest... That Sounded Gay Man .

'What Is She Doinq To Me ?'

Her Last Text Made Me Smile Thoo . 'I love you too' . That's Still Rinqinq In My Ear .

iiFelt My Phone Vibrate && iiLooked At It .

1 New Text Messaqe From Unknown .

Wtf ? Who Is This ? iiDidnt Wanna Reply But iiJust Had Too .

*Text Convo .*

????- Hey Mel... Look iiMiss Us & What We Had . iiWanna See You After First Period . iiJust Wanna Talk .

Me- Umm, Who Is This ?

????- Did You Delete My Number ? Wow That Hurts... But Its Janice .

Me- Look Janice iiTold You iiDont Want Shit To Do With You . You Already Screwed Up My Realationship With (Y/N) Once & Im Not Lettinq You Do It Aqain .

Janice- iiKnow What You Said, But You Were Anqry... You Didnt Mean It . && What Do You Mean Aqain ? She's Gone... Remember ?

Me- No Janice iiMeant What iiSaid Okay ? && Actually She Is Here Today... iiDont Need To Explain Nun More Than That .

Janice- Ooh... Well Carmello No Disrespect But iiWas Here First ! I've Been Here From The Jump . You & I Are Meant To Be... Dont Let (Y/N) Get In Your Head . I Love You More !

Me- Wtf ? Janice We Were Friends, Just Friends . Nothinq More Or Less, Im Sorry If You Got The Wronq Impression . iiSlipped Up One Time && It Wont Happen Aqain . iiLove (Y/N) . Not You... iiNever Did && iiNever Will .

Janice- STOP IT CARMELLO YOU DONT MEAN IT ! You Do Love Me... iiKnow It . I'll See You After Class .

Me- Your Fuckin Crazy Janice... Stay Away From (Y/N) & I . Or iiSwear You'll Reqret It . Thats A Promise .

*End of Text Convo*

Janice Is Crazy... Like Really Crazy . iiSwear She Better Not Do Anythinq To (Y/N) .

Them Messaqes Stayed On My Mind Til The Bell Ranq . iiWas Happy Cause Now iiCould Hold && Talk To My Baby Freely ! iiWaited Til She Finished Talkinq To Mrs. White && Then We Walked To The Courtyard . Thats When iiHeard Her .

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