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  Hello and welcome to French 101 with me. My name is Kain, and I took French 1 in my sophomore year of American high school. In order for me to review and remember everything from the following year I made this book. However this will contant things I learned from French 1, and will teacher you how to speak French on a beginning level. I will go into a deep instructions on French grammar and vocabulary as if this was a high school classroom. The following things you will learn is
• How to say your name,
• introduce yourself and the person you are with,
• how to describe yourself and others around you,
• what you like/ love and don't like,
• how to count in numbers,
• how to tell time,
• how to order things in French,
• what the weather is like,
• how to invite someone out to do something with you,
• what are you going to do,
• and more fun things.
  This book can help teach you how to speak French, but it will not teach you how to completely master French. You, yourself, will have to do that. Please practice with other things in order to almost master French. The key to learning a language and being able to use it is to practice, practice, more practice.
  Since I'm teaching you as if this is a real high school classroom, the way the lessons are designed are similar to one in a text book. I will have exercises and texts designed for each lesson and chapter. There will also be videos, not by me because I'm terribly shy, that can probably explain better than me at the subject. So I hope you enjoy learning how to speak in French and my lessons. Bye!


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