Amelia B. Weasley

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Name: Amelia Billius Weasley

D.O.B: March 1, 1980

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye Color: Hazel

Nicknames: Amy (given by close friends), Am and Weasel (given by Draco Malfoy), Ickier Ickle Amy (given by Fred and George Weasley)

Family: Molly Weasley (mother, alive), Arthur Weasley (father, alive), Bill Weasley (brother, alive), Charlie Weasley (brother, alive), Percy Weasley (brother, alive), Fred Weasley (brother, alive), George Weasley (brother, alive), Ron Weasley (brother, alive), Ginny Weasley (sister, alive)

Relationship Status: Single

Special Abilities: Seer, Parseltongue

Favorite Professor: Trelawney

Biggest Fear: Being abandoned/Getting emotionally attached to someone

House: Gryffindor

Blood Status: Pure-blood

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