Year 1: Chapter 1

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( Amelia's POV )
"We really saw him!" George exclaimed. "We really saw Harry Potter!" The twins kept jumping up and down like a bunch of Muggle school girls. "Yeah and I'm adopted." I rolled my eyes. Ginny on the other hand was struggling to get out of mum's grip on her shoulders. "I want to see him!" She squirmed. "Another time, Ginny." She scowled. I shook my head as Ron and I stepped onto the train. We walked down the aisles trying to find an empty compartment. Ron slid open a door to find a boy with jet black hair and round glasses staring out the window. "Anyone sitting there?" He asked, pointing to an empty seat. "Everywhere else is taken." The boy shook his head as we sat down. I noticed Ron glance awkwardly at the boy before turning his gaze out the window. "Hey Amelia and Ron." The twins were back. "Listen, we're going down the middle of the train - Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."

"Right." Ron and I mumbled at the same time. "Harry," The other twin said, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron and Amelia, our brother and sister. See you later, then." "Bye." The three of us said as they slid the door behind them. "Are you really Harry Potter?" Ron blurted out. "Don't be so bloody rude." I hissed, nudging his side. The boy nodded. "Oh - well we thought it might be another one of Fred and George's jokes." said Ron. "Have you really got - you know..." I pointed at his forehead. He pulled back his bangs to show us the lightning scar. We both stared. "So that's where Voldemort-?" I asked.

"Yes," said Harry, "But I can't remember it." "You can't go around saying his name." Ron hissed in my ear and turned back to Harry. "Nothing at all?" He asked eagerly. "Well, I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else." "Wow." We both gaped. Ron looked back out the window while my eyes were still fixed on Harry. "Are all your family wizards?" He asked us. "Er-yes we think so." I said. "We think mum's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talk about him." "So you guys must know loads of magic already." I ignored his statement and asked him, "What's it like with Muggles?" "Horrible! I wish I had three wizard brothers." He sighed. "We have five actually." Ron said, gloomily. "I'm the older twin, born before Amelia by twenty seconds." He pridefully said. "Shut up. That doesn't mean anything!" I snarled. "I have a rat named Scabbers." He changed the subject, reaching into his jacket pocket for his fat, gray rat which was asleep. "He's useless, if you ask me. He hardly ever wakes up." He grumbled. "Percy got an owl from dad for being made a prefect." I stated. "But they couldn't aff-" I nudged Ron's side. "I mean, I got Scabbers instead." His ears went pink. Harry didn't think there was anything wrong with not being able to afford an owl. We continued chatting aimlessly until around half past twelve.

A dimpled woman slid open our compartment door and said, "Anything off the cart, dears?" Harry leapt to his feet and went out into corridor. He got some of nearly everything. When he came back in Ron stared quite rudely at the sweets.  He had taken out one of the baloney sandwiches mum had packed us. "Swap you for one of these." Harry said, holding out a pasty. "You don't want this, it's all dry," said Ron. And I couldn't agree more. Mum was in such a hurry she packed us that nasty grub. Harry was so generous, he shared all of his sweets with us. We had fun eating Every Flavor Beans  until there was a knock on our compartment door. A round-faced boy came in looking tearful. "Sorry," He said. "But have you seen a toad at all?" When we shook our heads, he wailed, "I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!" "He'll turn up." Harry reassured him. "Yes," said the poor boy miserably. "Well, if you see him..." He left.

"If I'd brought a toad I'd lose it as quick as I could. Mind you, I brought Scabbers, so I can't talk." The rat was still sleeping in Ron's lap. "He might've died and you wouldn't know the difference," He scrunched his face up in disgust. "I tried to turn him yellow yesterday to make him more interesting, but the spell didn't work. I'll show you, look..." He rummaged around in his trunk and pulled out his battered-looking wand. It was chipped in places and something white stuck at the end. "Unicorn hair's nearly poking out. Anyway--" He raised his wand. "It's not a real spell, you idiot." I mumbled to him as the compartment door slid open again. The toadless boy was back, but this time with two girls. They both were already wearing their Hogwarts robes. "Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one." Said the girl with bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth. "We've already told him we haven't seen it," said Ron. I nudged his side and glared at him for being rude about it, but the girls weren't paying attention. They were looking at the wand in his hand. "Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see, then." Said the other girl who had long black hair that reached halfway down her back and glasses on her nose. The two sat down. Ron looked taken aback. "Yes, Ron let's see your 'spell'!" I smirked. "Er--all right." He cleared his throat.

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